Letter: Looking for input on sales tax hike idea

To the community,

The Placer County Transportation Planning Agency is strongly considering asking the voters to increase the sales tax countywide by 0.5 percent (half cent) in 2016 in order to fund transportation related projects such as roads, trails, and transit. It would require a two-thirds majority to pass, and funds would be dedicated to transportation improvements within the county.

Funds collected specifically in the North Lake Tahoe region would only be used for transportation improvements in our region, totaling approximately $1,200,000 annually. This increase would also allow Placer County to be eligible to obtain additional funding from federal and state programs.

Your input on this very short survey will help the local leaders to identify how to best spend those funds should this proposal move forward to the ballot in 2016. Thank you for your time and input and don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Click here for the survey. Please reply by Sept. 30.

Sandy Evans Hall, CEO/executive director North Lake Tahoe Resort Association