Letter: Questioning Nevada’s bear policy

Publisher’s note: This letter was sent to Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval and is printed with permission.

To Gov. Sandoval,

If education and workforce development are your priorities, would you start by addressing the Keep Our Bears Wild program and the executive proclamation leading to Bear Logic month that are not being enforced by NDOW? Where is the education of the public to reduce the bear welcoming mat? Why are bears being trapped and killed under false pretenses? Why doesn’t your organization educate homeowners on bear aversion tactics? Why aren’t bear proof boxes mandatory? Why aren’t businesses fined for overflowing garbage bins? Why are bears euthanized when a homeowner leaves a door open inviting intruders? Why don’t bear lives matter more? Why doesn’t NDOW refuse to trap when it’s the homeowner’s fault like California? Where is NDOW’s accountability? Who do they answer to?

They sure seem to be running amuck. Educate the public. Educate NDOW.

There is no reason we cannot coexist with bears when we are living in their territory. Stop sacrificing the bears and start educating the public and holding NDOW accountable.


Dianne Gross, El Dorado Hills