Letter: We are not a Christian Nation

To the community,

A note for Kim Davis and her supporters:

1)      Separation of church and state – No government endorsement of any particular religion. This should quiet all of you, but it doesn’t.

2)      Kim you already compromised your beliefs with:

A)    being divorced (multiple times)

B)     Being an adulterer

C)    Filing divorce papers for people

D)    I would also guess that you might wear cotton/poly blends once in a while, eat shellfish and work on the Sabbath. (I could be wrong.)

E)     Also, (this is from “your book”) –

1) Punish the sin, not the sinner

2) Let he who is without sin cast the first stone

3) Judge not, lest ye be judged

4) Love your neighbor as you would love yourself.

You need to follow all the rules, not just the ones you like.

3)      Nobody is denying you your right to worship. They just want you to do the job you signed up for. A civil job in a civil capacity. If you cannot do the job, please resign. I’m sure God will provide for you if you quit your job. Have some faith.

4)     Not everyone believes in your God. Please don’t let this upset you. If he/she/it is real, we are ultimately forgiven. Says so in “your book”.

5)    One last note – We are not a “Christian Nation*. Yes, there are Christians here, but ultimately we are a nation of laws. Just because a lot of people here are jerks doesn’t mean we are a jerk nation.

* Some people assume that we are Christian Nation because we were founded by Freemasons. I’ll just mention that the only requirement for becoming a Freemason is that you believe in a “higher power”. They are not exclusively Christian. That could be any higher power – God, Zeus, Allah, Yahweh, Jesus, The FSM, Cthulhu, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, Illuminati, Reptilian Shapeshifter, etc.

John Spinola, South Lake Tahoe