Man accused of abusing girlfriend, arson


A South Lake Tahoe man was arrested this week on domestic violence, arson and other charges in a case in which the victim told officers her boyfriend had said “we are going to die today.”

Brandon Rothermel

Brandon Rothermel

Officers received a 911 call Sept. 9 at 2pm from a woman saying her boyfriend had physically assaulted her at his apartment in the 600 block of James Avenue. She also said Brandon Rothermel, 33, was pouring gasoline inside the apartment. While 911 operators were still speaking with the victim, she reported the apartment was on fire.

An officer attempted to detain Rothermel. but Rothermel grabbed the officer’s handcuffs and refused to let them go. Rothermel also reportedly used his lighter on the officer, resulting in a minor burn to the officer’s skin.

The fire damaged property inside the apartment.


Detectives served a search warrant and recovered several containers of gasoline and a lighter in the living room. They also recovered a firearm that was not registered to Rothermel.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (9)
  1. nature bats last says - Posted: September 11, 2015

    I saw all the response from our local emergency and law enforcement. Way to go! to all the first responders. Wackos with guns. The american way…

  2. Kits Carson says - Posted: September 11, 2015

    Bat in bell: Are you referring to the first responders as whackos with guns?

    Maybe you should have been there to take Mr. insect by the hand and guide him into your own home for a little sit down and talk. Yeah, I wouldn’t think so. You point fingers at the people doing the job you haven the guts or stomach to. POS

  3. nature bats last says - Posted: September 11, 2015

    Kitty litter,
    not even close,
    the whacko with a gun is sitting in jail, you know, the all american guy just exercising his 2nd amendment right to be an idiot with a gun.
    Im 100% supportive of our law and emergency agencies. They got the job done. Way to go first responders.
    dose that clear up your confusion kitty litter?

  4. nature bats last says - Posted: September 11, 2015

    Oh, btw kitty litter. Part of my job when I worked out in the back country was to be a first responder. I scraped up a few bodies off of gravel roads, had to stop traffic on a hwy after a motorcycle was run over and dragged about a half mile on asphalt by a RV, yup, I threw up and cried over that incident. I Helped a few folks with broken bones, burns and after a fight face gore. So, once again you are wrong about who I am and what my experience is. Maybe you should stop being so judgemental, finger pointer…

  5. Atomic says - Posted: September 12, 2015

    Kits Carson, how many ways to be wrong….you seem to find them all.

  6. Hahaha says - Posted: September 12, 2015

    You guys argue like senior citizens… Oh wait you guy probably are…

  7. TeaTotal says - Posted: September 12, 2015

    Atomic-Kits is no wrongula but is making the effort to be as willfully ignorant as possible-Hahaha may be the new rookie dolt-shows promise
    Thanks to our local 911 person and PD for handling this difficult situation so professionally

  8. Kits Carson says - Posted: September 12, 2015

    nature: I am not above apologizing when wrong. Your post implied you were not supporting the first responders. I stand corrected. Certain idiots do not deserve the second amendment and glad this one is in jail.

    You are not the only one who has scraped bodies off the ground, though I give you full props for doing so. I wish I could have used a shovel in a burning car but it wouldn’t work. I dragged the charcoal remains out by gloved hands. I won’t even go into the people run over by trains….or airplane crashes.

  9. by gosh says - Posted: September 12, 2015

    Curious as to the blood alcohol of the suspect. Just possibly he was under the influence of liquid courage as you never grab an officers cuffs or any equipment. If you do expect the worst to happen.