Meyers to host gear swap
Meyers Community Foundation is hosting the second Meyers Outdoor Gear Swap in the Westgate Center parking lot adjacent to the Divided Sky on Oct. 18 from 11am-3pm.
Bring quality summer or winter gear to sell. Skis, snowboards, bikes, paddle gear, climbing gear, camping equipment, and other outdoor toys wanted. Public merchandise registration will take place in the parking lot between 8:30-10:30am; there is a $1 cash per item fee to register it for the swap. No equipment more than 5 years old will be allowed.
Unsold merchandise may be picked up between 3-5pm; unclaimed items will be donated. Twenty percent of the proceeds will go to the Meyers Community Foundation.
Cash or credit cards will be accepted.
The Meyers Community Foundation is dedicated to improving life in Meyers through its support and promotion of creative and sustainable local projects and community-enhancing events like the annual holiday tree lighting.
For more information about the swap, contact Brian Levy at 530.545.9941 or Rene Brejc at 530.545.0340. For more information about the Meyers Community Foundation, call Brejc or Kim Wyatt at 530.573.1513.