No takers for old KMS site despite lower price

Even with a lower price tag, no buyer has come forward to purchase the old Kingsbury Middle School site in Stateline.

The topic was on the Douglas County School District’s board agenda last week.

Superintendent Teri White said the district had anticipated an offer would come forward, but it didn’t materialize. However, she said it’s possible something will happen in the future.

“There has been some interest and we’ve had some inquiries,” White told Lake Tahoe News. “The latest resolution allowed for averaging the two appraisals which brought the price down a little; to $3.125 million.”

DCSD in January 2012 voted to put the 10-acre school on the market with an asking price of $4 million. The buildings encompass 36,000-square-feet.

The item is on a three-month cycle to keep coming back to the board.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report