Not guilty plea in bear killing case


Gilbert Wetenkamp of South Lake Tahoe pleaded not guilty this morning to one misdemeanor count of unlawful taking of an animal.

He is accused of shooting a black bear to death on July 9.

The 2½-year-old bear was shot in the backside with buckshot from a shotgun. It was sprawled on its back at the base of a tree off Pioneer Trail near Minniconjou Drive in the unincorporated area of South Lake Tahoe.

On Sept. 25 the judge granted Wetenkamp representation by a public defender. His next court date is set for Oct. 23.

The maximum penalty if convicted is one year in jail and a $1,000 fine.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report



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Comments (10)
  1. Lisa says - Posted: September 25, 2015

    One year in Jail,Is not enough for killing a Bear, It could of been a child,He has to pay the price for what he did, He was wrong to do in a neighborhood,If he does not get what he deserves ,it will happen again .It has to stop.

  2. Cranky Gerald says - Posted: September 26, 2015

    Good Grief.

    This man had several run ins with bears, and if the news was correct, had permission to get a depredation permit, but feared backlash from his neighbors and other bear nuts in Tahoe.

    Why he did what he did is hard to fathom, but his earlier thought about backlash was clearly correct.

    A year in jail for an elderly man is NOT going to stop anything.
    Get over it.

  3. Atomic says - Posted: September 26, 2015

    Get real. The guy clearly had the wrong habits which attracted bears to his garage and his trash. The Bear League told him to change how he dealt with his trash and open garage door and the bear would go away. Essentially, be an adult and react intelligently to your surroundings. This was not the message he wanted to hear. He wanted to kill it or have it killed. So he killed it. Shot it in the back after he treed it. Real hero. Any questions?

    Thump him.

  4. Toogee says - Posted: September 26, 2015

    Cranky Gerald you make the statement that, “but his earlier thought about backlash was clearly correct.” I’m curious to know exactly what that means. Does it mean that those of us who feel coexistence can be achieved between Lake Tahoe’s wildlife and it’s human inhabitants will precipitate us to keep the issue forefront by various methods and keep the heat on local regulating agencies and wildlife/law enforcement to see the light and work towards that same goal? If that’s your point in your statement then I will readily admit that you are totally correct. I can guarantee if we weren’t involved, myself on a very personal level, this travesty of killing a bear and shooting off a firearm in a neighborhood in a irresponsible and unsafe manner (not part of the charges leveled against Mr. Wetenkamp) would never have seen the light of day and would surely have been swept under the rug.

    But if what you mean is that we “bear nuts”, as you term it, will or have been involved in any campaign aimed at outright personal attacks or threats made towards Mr. Wetenkamp you are completely and ignorantly mistaken. Absolutely none of what I just described has taken place or will take place. That is not who we are at The Bear League, regardless of what some ill informed people love to say about us. We actually offer a variety of services and educational materials to create a safer environment between humans and wildlife. THAT is who we are.

    My personal feelings on this case is that in lieu of any fines or jail time I believe his punishment should be to simply install a steel bear proof trash bin on his property. That’s it, nothing else. Mr. Wetenkamp, the entire community, and our wildlife all would benefit if this sentence were to be handed down. Honestly though I know that this may not even be an actual legal possibility. I also genuinely offer Mr. Wetenkamp and his family the help and information to make a few minor adjustments to their home and lifestyle to make their neighborhood a safer place to live. I would even be more than willing to provide myself as an unpaid laborer to achieve that goal!

    Once again I will add my email address for anyone that would like to have a civil sit down over a cup of coffee about this with me.

  5. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: September 26, 2015

    Open season on bears! Same for coyotes? How about barking dogs? If it has four legs and you have a gun, just blast away in a residential area and plead not guilty to pulling the trigger and killing another animal and possibly injuring a human.
    Happy hunting, OLS

  6. Rob5 says - Posted: September 26, 2015

    It is open season on coyotes. A few years back a man shot and killed a coyote with his dog in its mouth and was charged with discharging a weapon, not killing a coyote.

    The bears have outgrown their habitat. For twenty years I never saw a bear and now I see them routinely.

    The Bear League expects them to retreat into the woods and quietly starve when we remove the human source of their food, which we should do.

    The rational thing to do is remove the human sources of food and at the same time determine the population that can be supported naturally and develop a plan to get the bear population to that level.

    Of course, that will never happen. Politics prevent the requirement of bear boxes for people unable to manage their garbage and emotions prevent the management of the bear population.

  7. West Side says - Posted: September 26, 2015

    Bingo Rob5!! What’s going to happen if all the trash is suddenly unavailable? Bears will be breaking into homes for food left and right. Then they will be expecting every home to have an electric wire on every door and window and (in their eyes) it will be the homeowners fault if they don’t.

    As far as the man in south lake fearing backlash from the “BEAR NUTS”, I don’t blame him one bit!! That “NUT JOB” that runs the Bear League has been harassing people for years.

  8. Gilbert's neighbor says - Posted: September 26, 2015

    Gilbert is a wannabee Rambo. The bear was not a threat except in his hysterical mind. I hope he gets the book thrown at him. Grow up Gilbert.

  9. hmmm... says - Posted: September 26, 2015

    Shot the bear in the butt? What an ass!

  10. sunriser2 says - Posted: September 27, 2015

    Rob5 and Westside.

    Quit using common sense in an emotional debate. Before you know it people will want the Bear League to have a plan.

    The “all people bad all bear good” philosophy isn’t working very well.

    People want the NDW to have a plan maybe we should hear theirs.