Snippets about Lake Tahoe

sawmill-1·       The final section of the Sawmill bike trail in El Dorado County officially opens Oct. 14 at 3pm.

·      There will be a free wildflower slideshow at Lake Tahoe Community College on Oct. 6 at 7pm in the Aspen Room (inside the library building). Photos are by LTCC English faculty member and wildflower enthusiast Lisa Berry.

·       Randy Llewellyn, owner of Integrity Locksmith in South Lake Tahoe, is celebrating 30 years in business.

·       Placer County Sheriff’s Office is offering a free identity theft prevention class on Oct. 13 from 6-8pm at the Auburn Justice Center. Reservations are required. Call CSO Kim Rivera at 530.889.6922 or to reserve a seat.

·       Fire Fest is Sept. 26 at Lake Tahoe Airport from 10am to 3pm.