Snippets about Lake Tahoe

bobcat·      Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care on Sept. 25 received a 5 months old bobcat that had just been hit by a car near Truckee. Someone picked up the cat, took it into the nearest vet clinic, where an LTWC volunteer happened to be working. They took X-rays and sent him to Kevin Willitts, LTWC’s vet.

·      All three South Lake Tahoe fire stations will be hosting interactive activities for community members on Oct. 10 starting at 10am. For more information, call 530.542.6160.

·       Here are the Caltrans roadwork schedules this week for El Dorado-Tahoe and Sierra.

·       Stewards of storm water drains are needed to sweep storm drains free of debris and pick up trash, and install English and Spanish markers onto storm drain grates. Meet at Regan Beach parking lot in South Lake Tahoe on Oct. 17 at 9am. End time is 5pm.

·      Check out this video from Squaw Valley-Alpine Meadows of Jonny Moseley getting ready for ski season: