Trapped bear and cub to be released

A bear cub on Sept. 1 sits outside a trap that contains its mother. Photo/Carolyn Stark

A bear cub on Sept. 1 sits outside a trap that contains its mother. Photo/Carolyn Stark

Updated 3:37pm:

A female bear was captured in a trap in Crystal Bay this morning that Nevada Division of Wildlife had set.

This was not the bear officials were trying to catch. The sow’s cub was outside the trap trying to get to its mom.

Chris Healy, spokesman for NDOW, told Lake Tahoe News the targeted bear — not the trapped bear — had broken into a building in the area.

The sow, weighing about 150 pounds, and 6-month-old, 30-pound cub were reunited. Both bears were tranquilized, tagged, tattooed and microchipped in order to identify them in the future should they come back in to contact with humans. Neither bear had previously been handled by NDOW.

They will be released Sept. 2 — after sleeping off the effects of the tranquilizer drugs — in the mountains above Crystal Bay.


— Lake Tahoe News staff report