Coroner stirs debate on mandating ski helmets


By Brandon Barrett, Pique

A coroner has called on the province to consider making snow-sport helmets mandatory at all British Columbia ski hills following the conclusion of an investigation into the 2013 death of a teenaged snowboarder on Grouse Mountain.

“The research reviewed during the course of this investigation indicates helmets can reduce the risk of serious injury in certain scenarios,” Coroner Timothy Wiles wrote in his report. “However, there are currently no regulations mandating helmet use in the Province of British Columbia.”

Whistler Blackcomb declined to be interviewed in the topic, but sent a statement from safety manager Kira Cailes.

“Whistler Blackcomb recommends the use of helmets to all guests. As for making helmet usage mandatory at B.C. ski resorts through legislation, we believe that encouraging safe skiing and boarding practices through education, awareness and example is a more effective approach to limiting head injuries.”

The coroner’s recommendations flow from an investigation into the death of 16-year-old exchange student Luca Cesar, who was snowboarding at the North Vancouver resort on Nov. 29, 2013, when he became separated from his friends.

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Comments (10)
  1. Dogula says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    Adults are no longer deemed capable of making their own decisions. The nanny state assumes all responsibility. And makes all the rules. You are clearly clearly too stupid to do any more than work and pay your taxes.

  2. Hmmm... says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    Looking in the mirror and barking at the moon again, Dog?

  3. tahoebluewire says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    Here come the defenders of the police state. Dogula is spot on. Hmmm is brainwashed. Do we really want the government making helmets a LAW? We can create a box state for all the lib tards so they can control each other.

  4. Steven says - Posted: October 16, 2015

    In order to cut down on the cost of government forced health care costs, the government will force you to wear a helmet at all times !

  5. Isee says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    Law? We don’t need another law to break. Anyone who has seen a person tumble down a cliff chute, crash their head into the rocks and come out of it with a helmet cracked in half but still alive- doesn’t need a law to know what to do with a helmet or when or where to wear it. It’s a duh! moment. Everybody who recreates knows someone who is alive or still able to talk because they were wearing a helmet when they crashed.

  6. dumbfounded says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    There is another side to this discussion. When people take responsibility for their actions and decline a lawsuit whenever they exercise their freedom, this proposal will be unnecessary. However, in the real world (outside of Libertarianville) people do not take responsibility and will sue at the drop of a hat for everything that a lawyer can dream up.

    As an example, I drove by the new bicycle track and saw about half of the riders without safety gear. What is going to happen when one of the little darlings hurt themselves, with or without safety gear? I’m sure that they and their parents will take full responsibility for their child’s actions. I envision a lawsuit that places the blame on the City for not having anyone there to enforce the use of safety equipment. Inadequate supervision of an attractive nuisance. And so it goes.

    “Libtards” indeed. BTW, you DO realize that this proposal for helmets is in Canada, right? SMH.

  7. Hmmm... says - Posted: October 17, 2015

    Like I said….barking at the moon.

  8. nature bats last says - Posted: October 18, 2015

    And seatbelt laws havnt saved lives. I guess the folks opposed to this law have proof that seatbelts have caused untold deaths and are unnecessary. Ya, thats right, totally unnecessary. Oh and how about life vests on boats, no need for this law. Just let the little guys drown…if one kid or person is saved by the establishment of a rule to wear helmets than the purpose was worth it. I guess if these kinds of laws are so hanious and intrusive into a persons personal freedoms than maybe go live in some other country where there are no laws and see how that works for ya…

  9. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: October 18, 2015

    Nature you are a coward

  10. nature bats last says - Posted: October 19, 2015

    Sticks and stones tbw

    my son wears a helmet cuz he knows its worth it…