Douglas County electeds OK 2 tax hikes

Douglas County commissioners this week voted for two of the three tax measures that were before them.

The sales tax and gasoline taxes were approved, while the utility operator fee was not. This means sales tax will go from 7.1 percent to 7.35 percent.

The fuel tax is 5 cents, which is in addition to the 4 cents per gallon excise tax on fuel that was implemented by commissioners in 2001.

The second reading for the two ordinances is tentatively scheduled for Dec. 3 at 1pm in Minden. For them to be approved the gas tax requires a simple majority, while a two-thirds or four commissioners must say yes to the sales tax.

There will be a public hearing about them at the Nov. 19, 1:30pm meeting in Stateline. Also at that meeting a business impact statement will also be reviewed to determine whether the gas tax will impose a direct and significant economic burden upon a business or will directly restrict the formation, operation or expansion of a business.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report