Lawyer: Reno journalists were victims of Tesla guards

By Daniel Rothberg, Las Vegas Sun

Security personnel at Tesla’s Northern Nevada battery manufacturing plant engaged in a violent skirmish with two employees of the Reno Gazette-Journal earlier this month and rammed their vehicle with an ATV, according to a letter from the newspaper’s counsel.

According to the attorney’s letter, the alleged assailants, apparently security personnel working at the construction site for the $5 billion Tesla Gigafactory, shattered the driver’s window with a rock, slit the driver’s side seatbelt, aggressively removed the RGJ journalist from the vehicle and secured him in a position face-first in the dirt.

The letter, released on Monday, provides a depiction of events that calls into question the narrative Tesla released about the Oct. 9 incident in a post last week. In that post, Tesla said the Reno journalists struck two security guards and hit Tesla’s ATV with their Jeep as the journalists attempted to flee the construction site.

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