Letter: Bijou thankful for successful walk-a-thon

Kindergarten teacher Izzy Evans reacts to getting a bucket of water dumped on her. Photo/Kathy Haven

Kindergarten teacher Izzy Evans reacts to getting a bucket of water dumped on her. Photo/Kathy Haven

To the community,

Bijou Community School PTA would like to thank all the people involved who made our walk-a-thon a phenomenal success this year. Bijou students raised over $28,000 with the help of their parents and their friends and our community.

These funds will go to pay for field trips, water bottle refilling stations, playground equipment, after school clubs, student enrichment in and out of the classroom, and classroom supplies. Most amazing though, was that over 150 of the 600 students at Bijou raised $50 or more, and more than three-fourths of the students contributed in some form or fashion.

Bijou PTA would like to extend a special thank you to Thrans for their donation of balloons to our event, and Ed McClain for being a great emcee and disc jockey. Also, a big thank you to Mike Keck for creating the most amazing dump tank to soak our teachers with.

Lastly, Bijou PTA would sincerely like to thank the teachers and our principal, Cindy Martinez, who once again stepped up to make the best walk-a-thon prize yet. Ms. Martinez and eight teachers were doused with 5 gallons of water each to the extreme joy of 600 children because they raised over $20,000.

Thank you everyone! I am proud to be part of Bijou community school where everyone contributes something to make our school a little bit better each year.

Kathy Haven, Bijou Community School PTA