Regan Beach evolving into contemporary park

Regan Beach plans call for making it modern and accessible to all abilities. Rendering/Design Workshop
By Kathryn Reed
Putting more beach back into Regan Beach is a goal of many who use this South Lake Tahoe recreation area.
Parks and Recreation Commissioner Steve Noll on Oct. 6 went over the latest composite based on feedback at community meetings and through a survey the city conducted. The top amenities or changes people want include:
· Non-motorized boat launch
· Expanded beach
· Jetty
· Adventure play area
· Concession-restrooms
· Picnic area
· Dog beach access
· Multi-use lawn.
“I think we need more beach. People enjoy the water’s edge,” John Cefalu said. He was one of several of the nearly two dozen people at Tuesday’s meeting who voiced a desire for even more beach beyond what the Design Workshop renderings showed.
To accomplish this some of the grass area may have to go away. Already more than 5,000-square-feet of grass may be eliminated.
Other likely changes include eliminating the sand volleyball area, getting rid of the kids swing set and creating something more contemporary called an adventure play area, going from two picnic tables to a potential of 20, upgrading concession stand and bathroom, removing one parking space, adding about 130 linear feet of beach, and adding about 440 linear feet of seating.
One of the biggest changes will be the removal of the 1940’s era bulkhead.
A huge unknown, though, is what was used 70-plus years ago as fill for the beach. Like the Tahoe Keys, this area is manmade. The city will bore into the soil to get samples before any work is done. This will also be necessary before permits are obtained. Depending on what is found, it’s possible the fill may have to all be trucked out of the basin and uncontaminated dirt brought to the site.
Back in the day people buried all sorts of things with complete disregard for the environment. The city has found tanks from the old Globin resort while doing work in this area of town. Multiple gasoline storage tanks – including two full ones – were discovered up the road a couple years ago during work on Harrison Avenue.
Jim Marino, assistant public works director, told Lake Tahoe News that whatever the fill is composed it should not prevent the project from going forward.
Overflow parking into the neighborhood from events is a concern. Lauren Thomaselli, parks manager, said it’s possible to include in rental agreements the need to provide adequate parking, even if that means shuttling people to the venue.
The City Council will make the ultimate decision on what the design will be. A date has not been set for when that will occur. Design Workshop will make final conceptual designs as well as put an estimated price on the work before the electeds discuss any project.
I hope Design Workshp via City Council will keep the public voice in the loop! I think that is what made LakeView Commons successful – it was a collaboration (not a City Council specific project).
I think it’s so nice that the city continues building places for the homeless to sleep and do drugs at. The new heroin hangout!
HEY ,liberule, Thats why they are looking for a shelter for the Homeless,Pretty soon it will be here,Chill out.
Liberule is right, we need better enforcement on vagrancy and drug use in our new public spaces. There are many drug overdoses that happen right at Lake View Commons, I’ve seen two this summer. One guys was totally blue from a heroin OD until SLTFD came and saved his life. Another guy slammed a pint of booze there and started convulsing on the ground, yup…SLTFD saved that guys life too. Lake Tahoe is just not the place to be homeless.
It’d sure be nice to have a beach where we could take our families and not have dogs running loose. What is the obsession with dogs in this town and why do they need to have access to the lake? I know some beach areas say “no dogs allowed” but it’s not enforced.
Sounds like they will take another neighborhood park and try to make it more than it was intended to be. Any time they start talking about shuttles into neighborhoods- time to start paying attention. The city will pocket money for concessions and then address the forseeable issues as they arise. This spells trouble if you live there. Good luck!
They are trying to make an existing park nicer and some of you are crying. Wow, so much negativity.
As to the junkies and homeless, etc., be proactive and start a neighborhood watch and protect your neighborhoods if things are that bad. Help the police and city out.
I agree with Ronnie. The no dogs allowed signs need enforcing. Some people don’t appreciate being rambunctiously greeted by dogs. There should be places where people can take small children without having to worry about loose dogs.
If the existing rules at parks and beaches were enforced, there would be enough. Too many dog owners believe that those rules don’t apply to their friendly dogs.
Not my job to enforce the illegal drug use and vagrancy in our public spaces where our children play. Have you cruised through the Commons area lately? Well you should if you haven’t and take a half hour and sit and watch what happens there. It’s overrun with homeless and drug use. And I’m not talking just marijuana and alcohol, heroin and meth use is a REAL problem there.
Expanded beach at Regan is a great idea. I tried to get them to do the same at El Dorado but the rock terraces won out. When the lake is full, (or should I say if…) there will be no beach at El Dorado. Now how about adding a long pier (i.e. Timber Cove) for the kids to jump off.
Regan Beach evolving. Long overdue! Heck, I think
that old snack bar is older than me! Put in more picnic tables and get rid of the drug and alchol use In ALL public places.
long pier sounds good as long as it’s well lit at night. Fence off the dog park so people don’t get bothered by what the owners say are , quoting,
“friendly dogs””. Hope it works out, OLS
Connolly Beach aka Timber Cove Beach still not on city web site. Does anyone have an update or know why?
Well first off dogs should have more rights than children. Dogs are great; children are evil creatures. Lisa: you seem to have the iq of a turnip (it’s a vegetable)
And yes. As others are saying lakeview has turned into an open air drug market. The Al Tahoe neighborhood is really going downhill fast.
It would be nice to have another park but shouldn’t the city fill some potholes first??
All the roads in Lake Tahoe are looking like crap,Bump,Bump,Bump.OOPS there goes another tire.
The 1940’s era bulkhead that is referred to in the story was actually built by the newly formed City of South Lake Tahoe in 1965. It was one of the City’s first projects. Whatever unknown materials that may be hiding in all that fill was put there by the City.
Regan (no relation or pronunciation to the president) Beach is long overdue for a face lift. The plans look promising and yes, more beach would be preferred.