Snippets about Lake Tahoe
· Do you want to get breaking news alerts from Lake Tahoe News? If so, fill out this paid subscriber form. Subscribers most recently were the first to learn about the Tour of California returning to Lake Tahoe. Paid subscribers also qualify for special deals like tickets to Giants games. Subscribers are helping to ensure Lake Tahoe News continues to be the only place to get news about Lake Tahoe seven days a week.
· The draft EIR for the Martis Valley West project is online. Comments are being taken until Dec. 7.
· The second Brewer’s Cup at Cold Water Brewery & Grill in South Lake Tahoe is Oct. 28. Sampling and voting will take place from 5-7pm. For more info, go online.
· Austin’s House, which provides emergency shelter and compassionate care for up to 10 children between the ages of birth to 18, is on a fundraising kick. For more info or to donate, go online.
· Guy Yeaman will be teaching a dog obedience class Nov. 5-Dec. 17 at Kahle Community Center in Stateline. Each dog needs a choke chain and fabric or leather lead. Dogs must be at least 4 months old. Cost is $80. For more information or to register, call 775.586.7271.