Then and now: Extreme weather in Tahoe


Weather in Tahoe is always a topic of conversation. It doesn’t matter if it’s a drought or mega-storm, it affects the way of life in the basin.

The Highway 89 bridge and Taylor Creek at South Tahoe as viewed from the adjacent bicycle/pedestrian crossing, October 2015.

The Highway 89 bridge and Taylor Creek as viewed this month from the adjacent bicycle-pedestrian crossing. Photo/Bill Kingman

The infrastructure is not built to sustain every possible scenario — like a Godzilla El Nino — which some have forecast for this winter.

Approaching the bridge from Camp Richardson in dry, fall weather. Photo/Bill Kingman

Approaching the bridge from Camp Richardson on dry, fall day. Photo/Bill Kingman

While Highway 89 at times around Emerald Bay closes because of avalanche danger, rain has also been an issue on this road near Camp Richardson.

 (#3) Approaching the bridge from Camp Richardson, (October as I recall) in 1964, when heavy rains and Taylor Creek washed over the bridge. Three saw-horses block the roadway.

Approaching the bridge from Camp Richardson in October 1964. Water from  heavy rain and Taylor Creek washed over the bridge. Three saw-horses block the road. Photo/Bill Kingman

— Bill Kingman


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Comments (8)
  1. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: October 11, 2015

    Bill Kingman, When it snows too little like last winter people complain about lack of snow. Then when we have a heavy winter people complain about too much snow!.
    Fall is upon us. Lets hope for a good winter. OLS

  2. Bob Fleischer says - Posted: October 11, 2015

    Only a few dozen of us old-timers still around (I think).
    I visited here in January 1952. I have not seen a Winter storm system like that since. Some Winters we have had more over-all snow though….but nothing like that constant huge dumping in January.
    Even if we got a monster snow dump it shouldn’t too major of a problem NOW, with all the plows, etc.
    I have photos of what it looked like here in JANUARY of 1952; and photos of the Mt.Rose Highway in JULY of 1952…you can hardly tell the difference…a monstrous amount of snow.

  3. Robin Smith says - Posted: October 11, 2015

    OLS…how old are you??..I’m damn old but I think from your comments you may be older than even me:)

    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

  4. Another X Local says - Posted: October 11, 2015

    I agree with Old Long Skis. We need the snow for so many reasons. If we do get a big winter, you’ll see people bailing out in droves as they moved here when it was mild & have no clue what a “real” winter is all about. I remember plenty of years with snow up to the 2nd story deck & tossing snow UP to clear more that fell. Since I haven’t had to commute in over 10 years, bring it on Mother Nature.

  5. Kenny (Tahoe Skibum) Curtzwiler says - Posted: October 11, 2015

    Bob; I did an article one time about how many people actually live here. I checked each election results going back to “65. I also talked with the census takers when they were here last and also was basing this on personal knowledge of people I know. I worked at Sahara in the late 70’s and then Carlos Murphy’s for 20 years. I figured there were about 16,000 residents that are here year ’round and about 6,000 that have been here over 30 years. I was corrected by a long time local that he thought there were about 1800 of us left over 30 years. God help us if there is a major storm with dumpage like we used to see as there won’t be anyone left that will know what to do lol. Bill, as usual great photos.

  6. Diana Hamilton-Smith says - Posted: October 11, 2015

    Kenny,Dory and I qualify! We moved here, independently, for the snow. Cross country skis are always ready.

  7. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: October 11, 2015

    Robin Smith, I’ll be 62 in a couple of months. Started
    vacationg here in the 50’s and moved here full time in 1962.
    Lets hope for snow!!! Old Long Skiis

  8. Robin Smith says - Posted: October 11, 2015

    So OLS it’s your parents I need to interview for my book!!! TY