Then and now: Ski Run Blvd.-Hwy. 50 changes

Other than the Tahoe Valley Y, the intersection of Highway 50 and Ski Run Boulevard reflects perhaps more changes more often since the 1950s than any other South Shore intersection. Photos taken in the area demonstrate the transformation best.

This photo likely was taken about 1956, as Heavenly Valley opened in 1955, and shows the two-lane Highway 50 toward the Nevada state line. The photographer likely took this image from where today would be in the middle of a Ski Run Boulevard turn lane next to today’s Red Hut. Photo/South Lake Tahoe archives

The photo above shows that there were no stoplights in the early 1950s. The Lawrence’s Department Store sign (left-center) fronted the same building which was remodeled and now houses Chevy’s restaurant.

Development came rapidly in the late 1950s and early 1960s.

This photo must be later 1960s, as the Echo Motel sign boasts “Master Charge” which was introduced in late 1966. (Master Charge changed its brand to MasterCard in 1979). Photo/South Lake Tahoe archives

The photo above was taken from an elevation equal to the second-story window behind the Echo sign, at about where a driveway now enters today’s Chevron station on that site. That distant green pickup carrying the aluminum boat atop the camper shell is approaching Highway 50 at the same fire hydrant corner as shown in the 1956 photo.

Del’s Market and the Ski Run Lodge were replaced by the Ski Run Center showing where the Burger Bar fronted Highway 50, approximately where today Kentucky Fried Chicken stands. At right, the southeast corner of the intersection shows the “3 Swiss Motel and Cottages” and sign, behind which is seen Effie’s Dress Shop with its display window atop the mound on the corner.

This is the Ski Run Center as it stood in October 2007, shortly before being razed. Photo/Bill Kingman

As I recall, in the 1960s there was a section between the KFC and the adjacent Video Maniacs 2 which was an open-air covered patio for Burger Bar diners.

The Ski Run Center as it looks today. Photo/Bill Kingman

In 2015, Highway 50 is a five-lane thoroughfare, the Ski Run Center is totally rebuilt, a Chevron station occupies the Echo Motel site. Redevelopment also brought new landscaping, including the currently vacant southeast corner where Effie’s and the 3 Swiss Motel disappeared long ago.

This 2014 Then & Now article with its posted comments tells about the other corners of the intersection.

— Bill Kingman

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Comments (7)
  1. David Kurtzman says - Posted: October 25, 2015

    The Echo Motel was the first property to come down as part of the redevelopment project.

  2. Tom Fay says - Posted: October 25, 2015

    Thank You Bill, you have brought back a lot of memories.

  3. dumbluck says - Posted: October 25, 2015

    When did the old McDonald’s go in and when was it torn down?

  4. lou Pierini says - Posted: October 25, 2015

    New one replaced old one in 1990 or so.

  5. rock4tahoe says - Posted: October 25, 2015

    Thanks for the old photos Bill.

    Wow. South Lake Tahoe has really moved forward in recent years: sidewalks, El Dorado Beach, street lights, curbs, gutters, Gondola, Crescent V and more.

  6. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: October 26, 2015

    Bill Kingman, Thanks for the picture of the Echo Motel sign. Many fond memories from our old place. Met lots of nice people there and my family worked hard in keeping it clean and providing our guests with a good Tahoe time at “The Lake in the Sky”.
    Take care, Old Long Skiis

  7. Larry Smith says - Posted: November 3, 2015

    To Dumbluck, I remember well when the old McDonald’s went in since our local Boy Scout troop (456) raised the flag when they opened. I think it was 1967-69, but that part is fuzzy. So, I remember it, but not the year! I look back on that, how strange for a scout troop to honor the opening of a fast food restaurant. All of us kids were pretty excited.