Climate change may push 100 mil. into poverty by 2030
By Associated Press
STOCKHOLM — Climate change could push more than 100 million people into extreme poverty by 2030 by disrupting agriculture and fueling the spread of malaria and other diseases, the World Bank said in a report Sunday.
Released just weeks ahead of a U.N. climate summit in Paris, the report highlighted how the impact of global warming is borne unevenly, with the world’s poor woefully unprepared to deal with climate shocks such as rising seas or severe droughts.
“They have fewer resources and receive less support from family, community, the financial system, and even social safety nets to prevent, cope and adapt,” the Washington-based World Bank said.
How to help poor countries — and poor communities within countries — deal with climate change is one of the crunch issues in talks on a global climate accord that’s supposed to be adopted next month in Paris.
Those who say that rich countries aren’t doing enough to help the poor said the report added emphasis to demands for billions of dollars in so-called climate finance to developing countries.
“The statistics in the World Bank report are suitably shocking and I hope they force world leaders to sit up and take notice,” said Mohamed Adow of Christian Aid. “The Paris deal needs to support the poor and vulnerable communities to cope with unavoidable climate crises better, and to be more resilient to a changed climate.”
Despite pledges to rein in emissions of carbon dioxide and other global warming gases, climate change isn’t likely to stop anytime soon. Carbon emissions are expected to rise for many years as China, India and other developing countries expand the use of fossil fuels to power their economies.
But efforts to protect the poor, such as generally improving access to health care and social safety nets, and targeted measures to upgrade flood defenses and deploy more heat-tolerant crops could prevent most of the negative consequences of climate change on poverty, the bank said.
“Absent such good development, climate change could result in an additional 100 million people living in extreme poverty by 2030,” the report said.
The report referred to studies showing climate change could result in global crop yield losses as large as 5 percent by 2030 and 30 percent by 2080. It also referenced studies showing warming temperatures could increase the number of people at risk for malaria by 150 million.
There is about as much chance now as there was millions of years ago to stop planetary climate and geologic changes. Man can’t stop droughts and volcanoes and earthquakes and weather and the doomed Dinosaur’s couldn’t stop an asteroid. Thinking that people will stop planetary changes and droughts and floods and all the rest is foolish, these have been around for millions of years long before people were around to worry about it and they will continue. What will happen with resources is much more important as they are limited. What is happening is people without resources are invading countries with them and this will be the cause of a lot of trouble in the future. Those countries not defending their borders will first lose their resources and then their country. This is much more important and real and urgent than media created leftist climate fantasy.
Another scare du jour. In 2008, ABC reported a prediction that claimed New York would be under water by June of 2015. At last check, it was still dry.
Climate frauds have been predicting doom for at least a decade now and none of their predictions have come to pass.
Ice packs are growing larger, polar bears are not disappearing, and the Maldives are high and dry. The warming pause is now at 18 years and 8 months and scientists now are starting to propose a cooling trend due to decreased solar activity.
The question now isn’t when will all this supposed warming come to pass, it is why do they continue to perpetrate this fraud. Just what is their motivation other than to redistribute wealth from richer to poorer countries.
We don’t have to worry about poverty from a change that nobody can stop. We have Obama putting them into poverty every day.
2015 is bound to be the hottest year on the planet since record keeping. 2014 and 2013 are right behind. The mayor of South Miami- a geeky scientist- said the ocean level has risen 5 inches in 5 years. Every high tide the streets are flooding and sea water is coming OUT of their storm drains. Let’s play ‘ostrich’ and pretend everything is just fine by burying our heads in the sand – at the beach, at low tide, if we can find any.
Isee, maybe you should bury your head in the glacier that existed where your home is just ten thousand years ago. The oceans haven’t risen and as the Antarctic has accumulated hundreds of billion tons of water as ice over the past ten years, thereby lowering ocean levels or try living in the Fallen Leaf depression with the trees that were living there a few hundred years ago.
Who you gonna believe?-97% of real climate scientists from every corner of the planet and their peer reviewed conclusions, or the geniuses that consider Rush Limbaugh, guess who funded websites and foxnooz hacks to be more informed?
The ocean has been rising at a rate of about 1-3 mm per year. At 3mm, that is the equivalent of about 1/10th of an inch. A far cry short of 5″ in 5 years. I suggest you buy up the beach front property being sold by any of the warming kool aid drinkers. Your heirs will make a fortune when they sell it still high and dry in a hundred years.
Well, well, the Anti Science Meth Head Deniers Club woke up from their collective stupors ‘eh.
The facts are we have pumped enough CO2 into the atmosphere over the past 100 years or so to raise the level to 400ppm. The last Ice Age saw CO2 at 185ppm. The Oceans of our Planet are become more acidic; acid rain on a global scale.
Homo Sapiens came together to stop Fluorocarbons from destroying the Ozone Layer and I am sure we can abate CO2 emissions without Exxon & BP getting their panties in a knot.
We split atoms to make Nukes, we have seen the edge of the Universe, we have planted flags on the Moon, we have sent spacecraft out of our solar system.
So, can Homo Sapiens stop or deflect a Comet or an Asteroid heading toward Earth, I would say depends on the advanced warning. And Yes, Scientist are looking into the night sky every night looking for objects heading towards Earth.
You can go back to chasing your dragons now.
So…to some with 20/20 myopia created by craniorectal impaction(Kits, Justice, yobobbyb-here’s looking at you), poverty, just like human caused climate change, doesn’t really exist, and there’s nothing we could do about it if it did. So there. Shut up. Clean yer guns and vote for Trump or Carson or whoever will grease the wheels of capital concentration(cuz THEY luv America) while telling you that ALL the worlds ills come from god hating leftist commie liberals who want clean food and a living wage for every workers(cuz THEY hate America) and watch ‘Dancing with the Stars’ while waiting for the food riots to begin.