EDC superintendent arrested on DUI — again

By Kathryn Reed

Jeremy Meyers, El Dorado County superintendent of schools, was arrested Nov. 5 on charges of driving under the influence.

This is the second time in five months that the 45-year-old has been arrested on these same charges by the California Highway Patrol. Both times were in the middle of a workday.

Jeremy Meyers when he was booked this summer.

He was arrested about 2:50pm after being involved in a single-vehicle accident. The CHP would provide no information Thursday night.

Meyers was booked into the El Dorado County Jail in Placerville about 5pm after first having been taken to Marshall Hospital in Placerville. Meyers as of Thursday evening had not posted the $17,500 bail.

The first incident on June 9 occurred about the same time of day. A California Highway Patrol officer found Meyers asleep in a construction zone on Highway 49 at 2:45pm. He had attended a board meeting earlier that Tuesday that lasted about 15 minutes and ended at 11:59am. People who were at the meeting said he did not appear to be impaired.

Meyers’ blood alcohol level, according the CHP report, was 0.15 percent – nearly twice the legal limit. Instead of being taken directly to jail, Meyers was released to the custody of his wife. He was sentenced to five days on house arrest. During that time he was earning all of his nearly $200,000 salary.

Because Meyers is an elected official the board of education does not have a great deal of say in what can happen to him. However, the county office of ed could be liable if Meyers were to hurt someone or cause property damage. If the board were to discuss Meyers’ latest run-in with the law, the soonest a special meeting could be called would be this weekend.

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Comments (15)
  1. Steven says - Posted: November 5, 2015

    He needs help, and he also needs to lose his job and free the public of any responsibility for his actions.

  2. Karen says - Posted: November 5, 2015

    Yes , he needs help now,Or someone is going to be killed by his actions.

  3. Dogula says - Posted: November 6, 2015

    Someone with that little impulse control has no business having that kind of responsibility and power. One mistake can happen. Two and three times means he doesn’t care. The only reason he still has the job is because he’s PUBLIC sector, not private. In the real world, he’d have been fired by now.
    What an embarrassment.

  4. Passion4Tahoe says - Posted: November 6, 2015

    At least this time he is in jail. What a disgrace! He should resign immediately and check into a substance abuse center.

  5. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: November 6, 2015

    Drunken Yahoo

  6. Steve says - Posted: November 6, 2015

    Just another weekday, school day, work day at the County Office of Education. Apparently afternoons get a little lazy and lax around that place. It would be interesting to find out exactly what it is they do. This Bozo’s $200,000 salary appears clearly insufficient.

  7. Justice says - Posted: November 6, 2015

    Most said after the first incident he should have resigned. After this he should resign, the problem is if he doesn’t. With these elected positions it is a process as they are more protected and are harder to deal with when criminal behavior starts and they don’t leave voluntarily. Now a judge should step in and take care of it as part of the sentencing. Just like when Nutting was removed.

  8. Robin Smith says - Posted: November 6, 2015

    CLEAN your own house/s! In every instance of criminal or otherwise dangerous behavior others in the particular institution/s are aware and SAY NOTHING. ‘They’ just look the other way, point fingers and whisper. The conspiracy of ‘silence’

    People like this do not resign and you all know it. People knew this guy was drinking during the day and at work…Not their business….mind your own business? Wifey knew there was a problem

    The judge cannot do anything until something overt occurs. Shame on you ‘secret’ knowers. Same with the police…Clean your own houses NOW.

    How long was SANDUSKEY doing little boys? NOBODY knew anything for years!!! Right!!! Everyone knew it and turned their heads. The exposure/shame literally killed Joe Paterno Look what it has done to Bill Cosby…a ‘ local’ favorite for many years.

    Keep shooting the messengers, whistler blowers.

  9. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 6, 2015

    Model citizen. Seems that the man who is responsible for what kids learn is incapable of learning himself.

  10. JohnnyGP says - Posted: November 6, 2015

    Robin, not sure of your point.

  11. Concerned Persons says - Posted: November 6, 2015

    What a loser! Everyone needs to write or call the Secretary of State to request Jeremy Meyer’s removal from office. Jeremy Meyers is going to kill someone! It’s not if……it’s when! Just imagine Jeremy Meyers coming back to school after a drunken binge and hits a school bus WITH YOUR CHILD in it! This man or better known as alcoholic/druggie has to go…….DON’T FORGET THE FIRST DUI HAD A DRUG CHARGE THAT GOT DROPPED!

  12. Robin Smith says - Posted: November 6, 2015

    JGP…Concerned Person makes my point…this has obviously been going on with this Jeremy Myers for awhile and other people must have known about it.

    Nobody has said or done anything

    Enablers and cohorts up and down the chain of behavior/command.

  13. Rubiconmike says - Posted: November 6, 2015

    1st time it can be a mistake. Second time in 5 months he needs to be replaced and get help. Hopefully he’ll resign.

  14. tahoeanhiker says - Posted: November 6, 2015

    Definitely not fit to be employed at the level of capacity in his state.
    Very, very lucky he has not destroyed someone else’s life or family.

  15. Concerned Persons says - Posted: November 9, 2015

    El Dorado County Office of Education is only saying “This is an unfortunate event” and Jeremy Meyers is saying “I don’t work for El Dorado County Office of Education”. (so he will not attend meetings with the board of directors, reality=no solution) No one is going to do anything until people die! Drinking and driving…..doing drugs….normally ends up putting someone in jail (because these behaviors/addictions are so very dangerous/killers!), but not Jeremy Meyers. Jeremy Meyers just gets to keep being in CHARGE OF CHILDREN!! OUR CHILDREN. I just hope its not my child he kills, but that is so wrong to say because that means it could be another person’s child or love one. Our country is so broken if a man, as disgusting as Jeremy Meyers, can stay at the head of our kids education!!