Incumbents win TPRID election

The four incumbents running for the Tahoe Paradise Resort Improvement District board are staying.

Voters on Nov. 3 made that decision. What changes is the seats they actually have.

The terms of Judy Clot and Pete Nelligan were expiring. Those are for four-year terms. The other two seats expire Dec. 1, 2017. Joe Cardinale and Victor Babbitt were in those seats.

Running for the full term seats were Babbitt, Clot, Brandie Jordan-Griffith and Diane Verwoest. Babbitt (298 votes, 40.2 percent) and Judy Clot (291, 29.55 percent) were the top vote getters for the full term seat. Verwoest (175, 23.62 percent) and Jordan-Griffith (49, 6.61 percent) were unsuccessful in their bid.

Cardinale, Nelligan, Jan Roman-Gonzales and Frank Jones were vying for the seat that expires in a year. Nelligan (266, 33.29 percent) and Cardinale (240, 30.04 percent) soundly beat their opponents Jones (152, 19.02 percent) and Roman-Gonzales (141, 17.65 percent.)

An El Dorado County supervisor is the fifth member. This is usually the person representing District 5. In this case it is Sue Novasel.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report




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This article was written by admin


Comments (8)
  1. Amanda says - Posted: November 3, 2015

    I live a block away from the park, but never received anything informing me of a vote. How did the vote take place? Was it by mail or in person? And how did they inform people? The TPRID really needs to do a better job informing the residents, such as a good website or regular mailer with the meeting schedule and other important things related to the park.

  2. AROD says - Posted: November 3, 2015

    Are you registered to vote in El Dorado County? This was an official county sanctioned vote.

  3. Isee says - Posted: November 4, 2015

    Ditto on that, Amanda. I live in the area of the district and am a regular voter. I received nothing and was wondering who gets to vote. I agree with your suggestions.

  4. J&B says - Posted: November 4, 2015

    Unfortunately people did NOT vote for the candidates who were working hard to bring Park matters to the public. In fact, the only reason we had a vote is because several candidates (that lost) worked to make it happen – as opposed to the last 15 years of the BOS appointing members (the incumbents were previously appointed). So now we get more business as usual. Actually, correct that: with the new ‘go big’ Meyers Area Plan lurking, the Park’s upcoming Master Plan, a representative who can’t represent us, and the interests of a select few running the show, we are going to get a lot more than “business as usual” in Meyers.

  5. My Thoughts says - Posted: November 4, 2015

    As for notification on this election, I received a absentee ballet before the election date. I also received a notice in the mail saying that my polling place for this election was at the CCC building in Meyers. As I understand it all voters living within the TPRID were allowed to vote in this election.

  6. Steve says - Posted: November 4, 2015

    It is regretful that City of South Lake Tahoe voters are not invited to vote in this election, yet pay a separate special assessment on their property tax bills for the SLT Recreation JPA which provides funding for the TPRID and its park.

  7. Isee says - Posted: November 4, 2015

    Steve- Same with the county. There are implications for the greater community in regards to what happens at the Park. Just look at the maps in the Meyers plan. From what I see- there are about 4 areas that are being reclassified as ‘recreational’, including the TP Park, the Tahoe Paradise Golf Course, the SW corner of Hwy’s 50 & 89 and the area where they removed a campground- now owned CTC at the beginning of So. Upper Truckee Rd. What goes in one area with this zoning- goes in them all- including Amusement Parks (think Squaw plans)and all kinds of other business that doesn’t relate to recreation. How about a police station or daycare center or utility bldg. My point. Everyone who pays this fee should be able to vote. It’s taxation without representation in my book. Time to pay attention before we lose the open-space areas around our neighborhoods that make it worthwhile living there.

  8. dumbfounded says - Posted: November 4, 2015

    It astounds me that anyone who lives a block away from the Park could have missed the sign boards on several front yards on Apache between 50 and the School. I would suggest that if you can’t see those, you probably would not see children either and shouldn’t be driving anywhere near the Park or the School. There had to be at least 10 signs supporting various candidates. Also, you might consider your voting registration. Aye the vote was only for property owners. We got our voting packets.