Letter: Ask the voters about the loop road

To the community,

There have been a number of news reports about the TTD’s South Shore Community Revitalization Project, commonly referred to as the loop road, where the proposals include the relocation of Highway 50, and the reduction of lanes in the casino core area. If approved, the construction to implement this project, will include the removal of about 75 residential properties in the Stateline area and a number of commercial businesses.

Bruce Grego

Bruce Grego

At this stage additional public hearings are occurring, but I have no doubt that some version of the Loop Road will be supported by the TTD and Nevada chamber. The question is how will the city of South Lake Tahoe respond. Shall the decision making process be limited to additional public hearings and polls? We have seen how government can fail to “read” public opinion concerning important land use planning proposals. How certain was the city of South Lake Tahoe when it implemented the paid parking program a couple of years ago? It conducted a number of public hearings where it interpreted public sentiment in support of this program, this interpretation was supported by City funded surveys. Yet, when offered a choice, nearly 70 percent of the voters reject this project with Measure P.

Paid parking was reversed by the voters in our community and it required that the city take down the parking meters. The loop road, once implemented, cannot be so easily reversed. Once residential and commercial properties are torn down, there is no going back.

The best measurement of public support in our community is the ballot box, not public hearings and not polls or surveys. We need to have this question placed on the ballot. “Shall the city of South Lake Tahoe support the loop road project.” Yes or no. Should we the people make this choice?”

Bruce Grego, South Lake Tahoe