Letter: EDC State of Jefferson clarifies its opinions
To the community,
Conversations and rumors continue, alleging that the State of Jefferson (SOJ) is behind and/or supports the recall effort of all county supervisors. This is not true.
At a local meeting of the El Dorado County SOJ Committee, this issue was debated, followed by a vote, where an overwhelming majority voted no to joining or supporting this recall or any recall of county elected officials. However, an individual who may be a Jefferson supporter, is within their rights to sign a petition for recall, but they only do so as an individual, not as a representative of the SOJ.
It should also be noted, that the Board of Supervisors never had the opportunity to vote for or against signing the declaration/petition, supporting the SOJ, as our committee voted to pull the item from the agenda, feeling that the board was not comfortable in making that decision. Instead the committee chose the direction of securing signatures of support from El Dorado County citizens, which has been rewarding. In front of stores we have averaged one signature every 80 seconds.
The committee has been successful in acquiring thousands of signatures and will continue to do so. The main objective continues, seeking representation for rural Northern California counties.
Remember, it was a Southern California lawmaker who authored the fire fee “tax”, passed by urban legislators whose constituents are not required to pay the fee. Did you know that the Board of Equalization has stated that the fee does not pay for fighting fire? Where do you think our fire tax money is going?
The Jefferson movement is spreading. Last month, the El Dorado County committee coordinated a town hall for Amador, Calaveras and Tuolumne counties, who have now formed committees. Of the 23 counties, 11 have now qualified to file declarations with the state of California, again seeking more representation and/or to form the 51st state. El Dorado County and other remaining counties are nearing their goals, and we plan to introduce legislation in January 2016.
It is clear, that people are tired of California’s unbalanced, big government, with over 570 agencies, who overregulate. Did you know our state legislators pass an average of 900 new laws every year? Will paying for the bullet train or delta tunnels benefit us? Get ready, there are more taxes on the way, with the potential for five new tax laws on the 2016 ballot.
Finally, many feel that the 51st state, with its part-time legislature, offerings of more local control and two U.S. Senators, that represent rural citizens’ concerns and needs, will resolve much of what is wrong at all levels of government. It is time for appropriate representation, smaller government, less regulations and less taxes. Join us and sign a support statement. You can sign online.
Mike Thomas, Placerville