Letter: Tahoe Cross Country shares appreciation

To the community,

The snow is falling. Temperatures are staying cold. We’re scraping storage wax off skis and readying our machines for opening day. Winter is coming and Tahoe Cross Country is ready.

Thanks to you, the community, Tahoe City PUD, California State Parks and California Tahoe Conservancy we are venturing into 2016 with our facilities staffed, stocked, and ready to ski. This is undoubtedly thanks to your donations.

In January 2015, we initiated a Low Snow Fundraising Campaign with a goal of raising $80,000 to cover operating fees and general costs. Our supporters answered our call, but we only raised $57,192; leaving us shy of our needed funds. Inspired by this deficit, one anonymous donor challenged the community again. If we raised $40,000, this donor would match it, all or nothing. On August 14, 2015 we launched our Matching Funds Campaign and within three months individuals including full-time residents, homeowners, visitors from as far away as Washington, Arizona, Wyoming, Florida and beyond donated anywhere from $1 to hundreds of dollars. We exceeded our goal and now have $48,883 as down payment for our future grooming machine, plus the additional matched $40,000 to help cover general costs. In 2015, this community raised a total of $146,075 for Tahoe Cross Country and we cannot thank you enough.

TXC and the Taheo City Winter Sports Park serve thousands of residents and visitors every year and it is our intention and privilege to continue to do so. Not only have you donated when we truly needed it, but the Tahoe City Public Utility District funded us $28,000 in late October to cover utilities, insurance, snowplow and other facility expenses. Additionally, the TCPUD approached the California State Parks on our behalf and both the California State Parks and the Tahoe Conservancy waived last winter’s trail fees, saving TXC an estimated $12,000 in fees.

Our ability to promote nordic skiing to youths and adults alike is augmented by the outstanding generosity of our community. It is why we reached as far as we had to and why so many individuals stepped up to support us. For this, we thank you. And we’d like to invite you to our Pass Holder Appreciation Party on Dec. 6 at Jake’s on the Lake.

The best way to continue supporting TXC is to buy a season pass, buy a day pass, buy a pass for your dog, your neighbor, your kids. From the board of directors, the management and staff, thank you for supporting Tahoe Cross Country and we’ll see you out on those perfectly groomed trails!

Most sincerely,

The board of directors, management and dtaff of Tahoe Cross Country