Litigation expected over ‘values’ license plate

By Sean Whaley, Las Vegas Review-Journal

CARSON CITY — Nevada residents may soon be able to proclaim their support for the right to life for unborn children by requesting a special license plate from the Department of Motor Vehicles.

The Nevada “Values Life” vanity license plate was approved last month by a panel of lawmakers serving as the Commission on Special License Plates. The vote was 3-1 to approve the plate with the lone Democrat, Assemblyman Richard Carrillo, opposed.

The plate could be subject to litigation, however, from Planned Parenthood, the panel was told by its legal counsel.

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Comments (9)
  1. copper says - Posted: November 27, 2015

    Anyone reading only this abbreviated version of the newspaper article will miss the fact that revenue from this DMV sponsorship of a religious point of view will go to the anti-women’s rights Christian organization that is promoting the legislation.

    The good news is that having noticed this sobering fact, I deleted my original snarky comment about spending a fortune donating to the wonderful courageous folks at Planned Parenthood every time the screwballs feels their god needs more publicity.

  2. Irish Wahini says - Posted: November 28, 2015

    OMG – now we get political nightmares on license plates??!! NO. The jdea of special plates us to fund nature type non profits – Lake Tahoe, Whales, etc. This issue is a No No & I will tur. In my special plates.

    Let women choose & get over the control issue!

  3. Irish Wahini says - Posted: November 28, 2015

    OMG – now we get political nightmares on license plates??!! NO. The jdea of special plates us to fund nature type non profits – Lake Tahoe, Whales, etc. This issue is a No No & I will turn In my special plates.

    Let women choose & get over the control issue!

  4. Dogula says - Posted: November 28, 2015

    They’ve had a pro-life plate in Colorado for years. Figure out how they dealt with potential litigation and do the same.
    Let people say (and believe) what they want. Exchange of ideas is not a bad thing. Denying the right to express an opinion is.

  5. Deb Palmer says - Posted: November 28, 2015

    The first amendment provides for separation of church and state. This government issued plate gives money to a religious group of one faith. To keep equal protection, how do we feel about another plate that supports only a local mosque, or the local witches, or ???? This is going to cost Nevadans excess legal expense and is very unwise, no matter what your beliefs, in my opinion.

  6. remembers when says - Posted: November 28, 2015

    The dumbest NV specialty plate I’ve ever seen is the one for tourism — it depicts a golf course. I don’t know about you but when I think of Nevada I think of two things: Casinos, and DESERT. A distant third is alcohol. Nowhere on the list is a golf course. But let’s just assume the pro-life plate will be as popular as the tourism plate. About 100 of them will be sold. The state can’t afford a lawsuit considering the miniscule revenue it might bring in.

  7. Dogula says - Posted: November 28, 2015

    You don’t have to be religious to believe that unborn babies matter.

  8. billy the mountain says - Posted: November 28, 2015

    But your opinion is rooted in your religion, yes?

  9. Dogula says - Posted: November 28, 2015

    Everything is personal with you, isn’t it, fish?