Metastatic breast cancer breakthrough highlights need for funding

By Amy Westervelt, KUNR

Iain Buxton has cured breast cancer — in mice. The doctor says his isn’t the only team to have made such strides, but a lot of promising research is getting stuck in labs due to a lack of research funding.

“Not enough grants are funded. Seven out of a hundred about — that’s Draconian. Because we’re not talking about 93 of those grants coming from schlock scientists. Every one of them comes from a highly qualified place and person. So we’re talking about the best of the best and we’re not supporting them. This is a major problem.”

Still, Buxton and his team, at the UNR Department of Pharmacology, believe they’ve cracked the code of metastasis.

The lab has patented its findings, and now it’s just a matter of – you guessed it – funding.

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