Placer making public roads in Truckee private
Ownership of two short roads near Northstar is changing.
The Placer County Board of Supervisors last week approved the abandonment of Mill Site Road and Cross Cut Court so they will become privately owned.
Mill Site Road runs through the Retreat at Northstar, an 18-lot development. Adjacent to the Retreat is Martis Camp, a 668-lot development, of which less than one-third is built-out. The main roadway through Martis Camp is Schaffer Mill Road, a private road that ends at Mill Site Road. A transponder controlled gate separates the two roads.
Residents of the Retreat were under the impression the gate would only be used for emergency vehicles and public transit. The reality is people are using it as a short cut.
Martis Camp reps wanted to keep the status quo to reduce travel time to their development.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report