Radon kits available in Nevada

Free, easy-to-use radon test kits will be available Dec. 1-Feb. 29 at University of Nevada Cooperative Extension offices and partner locations throughout Nevada.

Radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas, comes from the ground and can enter homes and accumulate to elevated concentrations. At elevated concentrations, the odorless, colorless gas can raise the risk of lung cancer for unsuspecting homeowners.

Lung cancer kills more individuals than any other cancer, and the Environmental Protection Agency estimates 21,000 Americans die each year from radon-caused lung cancer, killing more people than secondhand smoke, drunken driving, falls in the home, drowning or house fires. Once diagnosed with lung cancer, there is only a 15 percent five-year survival rate.

In Nevada, one in four homes tested found radon concentrations at or above the EPA action level of 4 picocuries per liter of air. According to experts, living in a home with radon concentrations at the action level poses a similar risk of developing lung cancer as smoking about half a pack of cigarettes a day.

For more information or a list of free kit locations, callĀ 888.723.6610.