S. Lake Tahoe enforcing sidewalk snow removal


South Lake Tahoe is reminding business owners of the snow removal ordinance.

Business owners are responsible for sidewalks that are on or immediately adjacent to their business or property. It is the responsibility of all businesses to keep their sidewalks and walkways clear of all dirt, ice and snow.

The code reads:

“It shall be the duty of all owners, and their tenants, of real property within the city whose property borders, or is in an easement, any improved sidewalk or walkway to maintain the sidewalk or walkway in a safe condition for its use by pedestrians and other members of the public. The duty created by this section shall include the duty to keep the sidewalk or walkway free and clear of all dirt, sand, gravel, filth, rubbish, ice and snow.”


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Comments (18)
  1. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: November 24, 2015

    old Danny Tepper needs to get with it.

    his side walk is solid ice.

  2. lou pierini says - Posted: November 24, 2015

    Chief, He has a covered walkway, no ice there.

  3. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: November 24, 2015

    try bouncing your wheelchair down those stairs.

  4. My Thoughts says - Posted: November 24, 2015

    Sure would like to see the paved pathway on Al Tahoe blvd from Hwy 50 to Johnson Blvd cleared. I see a lot of people having to walk in the street when it’s icy and snow covered. I don’t no who’s responsible for this stretch, maybe it’s the Post Office, the Tahoe Center shopping center and the US Forest Service?
    The City does do a great job from Johnson blvd to Pioneer trail on the bike path.

  5. sunriser2 says - Posted: November 24, 2015

    How about that city owned lot with the drainage works next to Americana on Pioneer trail?? The most used section of side walk in the city (except for the Marriot area).

    A few yards down the street is the snowed in Conservany parcel. This is the most important section of sidewalk in the city and the city and conservancy do NOTHING!!!

  6. Tahoeadvocate says - Posted: November 24, 2015

    The government is good at passing laws which apply to everyone else except them.

  7. Passion4Tahoe says - Posted: November 25, 2015

    I am continually amazed at the number of people who clear their driveways by blowing the snow into the street. Not only is this an unsafe practice, it is also illegal. Clearing your car in the street and leaving the snow there is also VERY dangerous and can warrant a citation.

    Please clear your driveways by moving the snow to your own property for the safety of others.

  8. don't give up says - Posted: November 25, 2015

    Passion4 Tahoe you are so right on regarding snow piles left in the street. Amazing the number of slobs who do just that. No one is ever cited.

    I am sure the SLT honchos remember the fellow who broke his head on the sidewalk in front of the Black Jack Inn about 20 years ago. Cost the city big, big bucks. He should have got nothing but you know how the legal system works. No responsibility to walk extremely carefully when snow and ice exists especially at night and facing blinding headlights.

    There is no way anyone can keep sidewalks clean in the winter except when the sun comes out for a few days to finish the job of clearing snow and ice.

  9. copper says - Posted: November 25, 2015

    No longer living at the Lake, I do still recall that the plow drivers often noticed which homes blew their driveway snow into the street and conveniently “forgot” to lower their gates when they went by. Revenge might not necessarily be “sweet,” but it’s often entertaining in an otherwise monotonous job.

  10. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: November 25, 2015

    As an east coast transplant that has been here for 25 years I am still amazed at how high maintenance you Californians are! The plows in Vermont don’t have a gate, you just get bermed in… Every time. Shoveling snow into the street? Waaaaaa. Passion… You sound kinda annoying.

  11. copper says - Posted: November 25, 2015

    Ah yes, beautiful Vermont. Where the tallest mountain (Mt. Mansfield) is about the elevation of the Carson Valley and gets roughly half the annual snowfall that South Lake Tahoe receives (222 feet vs. 407). And no one ever thought to invent a gate for their snowplows.

  12. Dogula says - Posted: November 25, 2015

    If the east coast is so great, how come so many of y’all move out here?

  13. copper says - Posted: November 25, 2015

    On the other hand, we westerners do occasionally confuse feet with inches. So there is that.

  14. Passion4Tahoe says - Posted: November 25, 2015

    Tahoebluewire, I’ve got you beat – I’ve lived here 52 years. I’m not high maintenance, I just don’t like to see people who are driving along a freshly plowed street only to suddenly come upon a huge mound of snow they can’t avoid and then they go out of control and get stuck. Maybe someday you will have the experience of watching it happen in your neighborhood and then helping the unsuspecting driver have to shovel out of the berm. All because someone else was thoughtless.

    Have a nice day!

  15. billy the mountain says - Posted: November 25, 2015

    ‘If the east coast is so great, how come so many of y’all move out here?’

    To spread Christianity, displace the natives, claim the land and all of its resources, for god and country.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  16. Dogula says - Posted: November 25, 2015

    Billy, you’re such a bigot.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  17. billy the mountain says - Posted: November 25, 2015

    Every time you say things that are untrue and not based in reality you tarnish what is left of your credibility.
    Seriously, what kind of answer does a stupid question deserve?

  18. nature bats last says - Posted: November 25, 2015

    Great response billy. She is so annoying, and such a finger pointer.