Toxin in crab among impacts of warm sea that alarm scientists


By Peter Fimrite and Kurtis Alexander, San Francisco Chronicle

The poisoning of Dungeness crab off the California coast by a mysterious algae bloom may be bad news for the seafood industry, but to marine biologists and climate scientists, it is a frightening omen of future distress to a vibrant ecosystem.

Experts say the toxin in the algae, which likely flourished in this year’s record-high ocean temperatures, is one symptom of a wholesale shift in the physical and biological makeup of the Pacific Ocean — a transformation so abrupt and merciless that it is endangering species and forcing migrations before our eyes.

“We are talking about a whole ecosystem change — including a lot of changes besides just the blooms,” said Raphael Kudela, a professor of ocean sciences at UC Santa Cruz. “It’s really restructuring the way California looks.”

The poisonous algae, multiplying since April, is now estimated to be 40 miles wide, in some places reaching down as far as two football fields, marine biologists say. It is the biggest and most toxic bloom researchers have ever seen.

The primary culprit, the experts say, is consistently high ocean temperatures caused by climate aberrations that are being reinforced by a strengthening El Niño weather pattern in the tropics.

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Comments (10)
  1. Kits Carson says - Posted: November 10, 2015

    This change IS going to happen and nobody with any amount of Degrees on their wall can stop it. Nature will take care of her own, she always does. Yes, things will shift, animals will relocate. They’ve been doing it for millions of years. Get over it.

    Ps: It would have been nice to be able to read the entire article without having to create some account.

  2. rock4tahoe says - Posted: November 10, 2015

    Kats Crap, and what would you know about Nature, algae, crab and poisons to begin with… Nothing. So, shut up, get out of the way and let real Scientists do their work.

    Your Meth pipe is calling anyway.

  3. Kits Carson says - Posted: November 10, 2015

    Yes, and I’ll come to your trailer and borrow it back. POS. You know NOTHING. I’ve forgotten more about this science than you have ever known about it. You just spew diarrhea and it’s never ending.
    Don’t you have an Obama doll to go play with?

  4. Blue Jeans says - Posted: November 10, 2015

    Where is the civility of Old Long Skis? We already miss that!

  5. Kits Carson says - Posted: November 10, 2015

    I agree Blue. Rock seems to know no bounds and always pics a fight. I was merely stating an opinion and it was directed at nobody. OLS, see if you can help Rock from above.

  6. rock4tahoe says - Posted: November 10, 2015

    Kats Crap… talk is cheap, just like your Meth, Mother and GW Bush doll. LOL!

  7. tony colombo says - Posted: November 11, 2015

    Really, an article about toxins affecting dungeness crab (which I love) stoops to lows about someone’s mother and other absurdities like crack pipes?

  8. Robin Smith says - Posted: November 11, 2015


    I am new to the LTN comment section and have noticed this myself…. a real local oldie.

    However, there is a decent group of commenters worth scrolling around for!:) ‘oldies but goodies’ with current and past local information…The ‘oldies’ just do the ignore thing with the ‘nasties’.

  9. don't give up says - Posted: November 11, 2015

    My friend Joe Crabapple says thank goodness you humans won’t be ripping my family apart to feed your insatiable glutonous appetites. Toxins today, toxins tomorrow and my family can live out their natural lives in waters they were born in.

  10. rock4tahoe says - Posted: November 14, 2015

    Yep Tony, you have to fight fire with fire against the Meth Head Reich Wing – Anti Homo Sapiens & Gubment “bloggers” on this site. Welcome to the party.