Shooting prompts Nev. politician to drop NRA membership
By Mariam Baksh, Huffington Post
Democrat John Oceguera, a former speaker of the Nevada assembly who’s running for Congress, resigned his lifetime NRA membership because of what he said was the group’s opposition to “any legislation that would help keep guns out of the hands of terrorists.”
“I am law-abiding gun owner, and have been a Life Member of the National Rifle Association,” Oceguera wrote in letter to NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre on Thursday,posted on Oceguera’s campaign website. “I grew up in a family of hunters. But more importantly, I’m a father and a husband. I believe that keeping our families safe is our most fundamental priority.”
Oceguera’s NRA resignation followed last week’s mass shooting in San Bernardino that police said was carried out by a husband and wife using legally purchased assault-style rifles and semi-automatic pistols.
What a loser.
(note spelling, that’s “loser” not “looser”. A mistake we see here WAY too often.)
The NRA is not responsible for terrorists or crazy people shooting innocents. The people who commit the crimes are responsible.
Typical strawdog logical fallacy.
And it never occurred to you that the extra ‘o’ is intentional; to mimic how people elongate the sound in speech. What a looooser. Nope, I obviously don’t know how to spell it, I am a dum-dum.
The NRA is responsible for forcing conservatives to not pass a law prohibiting the sale of guns to folks on the Do not fly list as there maybe a terrorist connection. They are also responsible for blocking any serious discussion on meaningful gun safety laws, etc. So the NRA is a lobbying organization whose sole purpose is to make the guns and ammo industry filthy rich, on the backs of many dead Americans. That is plainly sick.
Billy the goat, you’re book smart. Many of your fans are not. And the one this was pointed at definitely didn’t misspell on purpose.
Rick, your argument makes no sense. The NRA hasn’t forced anything. Sensible gun laws, as you put it, only restrict honest people. Criminals don’t obey laws to begin with.
What other rights enumerated in the Constitution require permission to exercise?
Billy, they will never get it, humor is waisted on the stoopid and ignorant…
The NRA is a terrorist organization IMHO
Drop your political party you goober.
Dog, are you that clueless. The NRA has given $22 million to about 8 senators. Was this for cleaning their cars? Really, individuals that are on a no-fly list regardless of their ethnic origin, seems like a good candidate for denying them legal access to a gun. That is a very rational place to start.
No the NRA runs the GOP on gun law issues. Let me repeat, gun safety laws for the most part have been found to be constitutional. Scalia himself has said the 2nd Amendment is not without its limits. Therefore, Congress could grapple with the difficult challenge (and I agree it will be challenging) to find a path for implementing meaningful and constitutional gun safety laws. To not do so, dooms over 30,000 Americans a year.
take a look at these sobering statistics. To do nothing is unconscionable and stupid.
Book smart is better than un-smart. You might have a point if we weren’t talking about the impact of a basic understanding of a fundamental skill (logic).
You thought you were riding a high horse when it’s a pygmy pony, over by the dental floss bush. Please try the web browsers built in logic test function before you click ‘Submit’: Ctrl + w.
1 Over the past 20 years, gun sales have absolutely exploded, but homicides with firearms are down 39 percent during that time and “other crimes with firearms” are down 69 percent.
2 Almost every mass shooting that has occurred in the United States since 1950 has taken place in a state with strict gun control laws. With just one exception, every public mass shooting in the USA since at least 1950 has taken place where citizens are banned from carrying guns.
3 The United States is Number 1 in the world in gun ownership, and yet it is only 28th in the world in gun murders per 100,000 people.
4 The violent crime rate in the United States actually fell from 757.7 per 100,000 in 1992 to 386.3 per 100,000 in 2011. During that same time period, the murder rate fell from 9.3 per 100,000 to 4.7 per 100,000.
5 Overall, guns in the United States are used 80 times more often to prevent crime than they are to take lives.
Billy…looooser would be an elongation of the word ‘loser’ or ‘looser’.
Looser in this instance is a misspelling of loser or as in this particular case a misapplication of looser.
Bats…if you feel the need to ‘splain’ the joke it really missed it’s mark and just not funny so you should drop it not point it out.
Steve Kubby-You are referring to the old and debunked ‘Harvard Study’ that was a propaganda paper written by gunnuts Don Kates and Gary Mauser that was neither a ‘study’ nor had anything to do with actual Harvard researchers-
This nonsense has been going around facebook and wingnut websites for years and is believed to be true because the gunfondlers want it to be-
It was 1st vomited onto the internet by the prestigious sounding ‘Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy’ which is in fact a student edited, non peer-reviewed campus rag produced for conservative and libertarian students-
This certainly explains why it is filled with misinformation and data manipulation that only the willfully ignorant would fall for- more guns does NOT=LESS gun violence-
Tea…..’Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy’…,non peer-reviewed campus Rag…
One of LTN’s illustrious commentor’s referred to LTN as a ‘RAG’ just last week!!
Tea, Just for the record I didn’t say anything about WHO made that comment:) and you just made my point for me:):)!
Robin Smith-1st of all, to be clear to those with reading comprehension deficit, that wasn’t me that said that about LTN and secondly do you have an actual point to make for once?- or do you just make mindless noise pretending it’s relevant in some way?
friends of mine travel around America in their motorhome, I tried to give them 1 of my pistols
for there own safety but they are scared of guns.
so I suggested that when the Whip Comes Down that they grab a butter knife and scream real loud.
Ah, robin, ill do as I please, maybe you need another hobby to focus your know it all persona on…
If only all those penis extenders that the “Home of the Scared” ammosexuals purchased had worked we’d have much less violence and senseless death.
K.Clancy, we’re not scared. No reason to be. We are quite capable of taking care of our own safety, and don’t have to rely on protection from police who will arrive half an hour after the fact.