Driver airlifted to Reno after accident in Meyers

Lake Valley, CalFire and South Lake Tahoe crews help at the Dec. 6 accident in Meyers. Photo/Provided
It took Lake Valley fire paramedics 90 minutes to extricate a woman from her SUV on Sunday after it rolled over in Meyers.
The 17-year-old driver, whose name has not been released, was on Highway 89 near Portal when she went into a ditch. The cause of the Dec. 6 accident is under investigation.
CalStar flew the girl to Renown Medical Center in Reno with a fractured femur.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report
I hope she was a member of CalStar – best insurance for those of us who drive, bike, ski, and otherwise live in the Tahoe Mountains!
Hope for the best for such a young person. Speedy recovery.
I know that location. It is right where cell signal lights up for a bit. Could have been a text coming through, causing momentary distraction for the young texter generation member. We are glad no one was more seriously injured.
The CalStar heli landing and idling for right at Portal & 89 made for some neighborhood attraction.
I know the driver. HE is doing just fine, and HE was not texting. He passed out while he was driving.
That was a man. Why is this basic information wrong?
First responders told us the driver was a woman.
LTN staff
I know who it was… and it was a 17 year old male.. not female.