CTC, State Parks land swap to be discussed


California Tahoe Conservancy and California State Parks are planning to transfer nine parcels in the vicinity of Washoe Meadows State Park and Lake Valley State Recreation Area.

There will be an open house about the proposal on Dec. 15 from 5:30-7:30pm at the California Conservation Corps offices in Meyers.

This is designed as an informational session for people to learn more about the transfer.

The official land transfer will occur upon final recording of the property documents, which is anticipated to happen by fall 2016. These land transfers were authorized in the 2012-13 state budget.

To view maps of the parcels included in the land transfer, go online.


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Comments (7)
  1. Isee says - Posted: December 8, 2015

    Pay attention people. This swap could be the end of open space around your neighborhoods. Since there are no details, we have to assume there are lots of ‘devils-in-the-details’ that they don’t want residents to know about. IMO this is part of the Meyers Master Plan.

  2. Robin Smith says - Posted: December 8, 2015

    ASS U ME, we have to assume since there are NO details?


  3. Blue Jeans says - Posted: December 8, 2015

    This move would set a precedent for State Parks to protect high value natural resources using taxpayer money and then downgrade the valuable land to a lower level of protection such as a recreation area. In this case, a protected State Park would be diminished so that a number of golf course holes could be moved into the high value land. This would impact very sensitive wetlands, negatively impact wildlife movement and bisect the park for human recreational use other than golf.

    Of course, the concessionaire would have a big win out of this. While they may initially put up the money for the construction work, golf fees will be raised while revenue to the state coffers will be reduced as the concession reimburses itself. A big lose/lose for recreation users and taxpayers. Many golfers who use the Lake Tahoe Golf Course oppose this too.

    The article could easily have been carried the information that this is about swapping out State Park for a golf course. Conservationists need to be aware that this kind of thing is on the rise. Do we want our parks and open spaces to become Disneyland or do we want to preserve quiet enjoyment of nature? This is a very dangerous precedent and if it goes through, many similar proposals will follow nationwide.

    California courts have ruled that the State’s environmental document is greatly flawed and must be redone. The State is appealing.

  4. Tahoereader says - Posted: December 9, 2015

    Although the issue that Blue Jeans brings up is significant and partially connected to this issue, this swap is not, at least currently, about changing State Park lands to State Rec lands (and thereby diminishing their level of protection). It is about CA Conservancy lands adjacent to the Park/Rec area becoming State Park or State Rec lands. Personally I think this swap makes basic common sense, but do have concerns about the issue that Blue Jeans brings up.

  5. Blue Jeans says - Posted: December 9, 2015

    Reader–thank you for the clarification–I’m always for more land conservation. I hope the environmental community keeps its eye on the State with regard to the golf course proposal. The court decision should have taken the whole idea back to the drawing board but the State is sticking to this detrimental plan despite the deficient EIR document and wishes of the people.

    Is it possible that some combination of these nine parcels could help the State fulfill its golf course plans without taking park land to do it?

  6. Isee says - Posted: December 10, 2015

    If you dissect the Meyers Plan you will see that many areas have grant monies that have been secured but no details are available. Go to the ‘online’ section of this article and see for yourself that this swap is directly connected to Prop 1.
    ” People who have nothing to hide- hide nothing.” There is a lot hidden in these grant/prop money/land grabs. It’s designed that way.

  7. Kenny (Tahoe Skibum) Curtzwiler says - Posted: December 10, 2015

    I have consistently called our representative for District V (Mr. Brian Veerkamp) to get information but have yet to get any response.