Letter: Taxpayer Association upset with EDC expenditure

Publisher’s note: This letter was sent to the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors. The item in question is not included in the county’s budget and would go to the county’s wealthiest fire district. The letter is in reference to item 40 on the Dec. 15 agenda.

The Taxpayer Association requests that this matter be continued. And if not continued, we state that we oppose the granting of $513,000 of EDC taxpayer money to the El Dorado Hills County Water District (EDH Fire) for the following reasons:

1.     While it appears to be a mistake by county administrative staff and the prior BOS, the matter at that time wasn’t properly vetted both by staff and the BOS. Financial records demonstrate that EDH Fire is a wealthy district, while every other county fire district suffers from lack of money. EDC Fire Protection District recently had to close the Lotus Fire Station.

2.     EDH Fire already has the best salary and benefits package of any fire district.

3.     EDH Fire receives a larger proportional share of property revenues of all fire districts.

4.     The Latrobe tax revenues have been already spent by EDC which means taxpayers from all over the county are paying for this gift to EDH Fire.

5.     We request that this matter should be continued until a proper financial study is done so the taxpayers and the BOS are aware of the impact of this grant on every fire district and every taxpayer.

6.     If a vote is to take place, Brian Veerkamp has a conflict of interest and should recuse himself from any vote as he has a pecuniary interest in that vote since he receives substantial benefits directly from EDH Fire and continues to do so.

7.     While we support public safety, this grant should not be made until this it is determined that this is the best place for taxpayer’s money.

Al Hamilton, president El Dorado County Taxpayer Association