EDSO deputy arrested on DUI charges


El Dorado County sheriff’s Deputy Tony Broadfoot was arrested Dec. 8 on driving under the influence charges.

A California Highway Patrol officer made the stop in South Lake Tahoe that evening about 7. Broadfoot was driving his personal vehicle.

“He is on paid administrative leave,” sheriff’s Lt. Bryan Golmitz told Lake Tahoe News.

The CHP is handling the criminal case, while EDSO conducts an administrative investigation.

Broadfoot joined the sheriff’s department in September 2012 after having been a K9 officer with the South Lake Tahoe Police Department.

This past summer he was patrolling the Rubicon Trail as part of the department’s off-highway vehicle team.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (44)
  1. Joe says - Posted: December 12, 2015

    This Deputy is a solid good cop who has given repeatedly to the community. We all make mistakes, I hope everyone cuts him some slack.

  2. Dogula says - Posted: December 12, 2015

    “PAID administrative leave”. Who else gets paid while they don’t work because of a crime?
    Oh yeah. Other “civil servants”. Nobody else.

  3. Kenny (Tahoe Skibum) Curtzwiler says - Posted: December 12, 2015

    Joe, I agree completely. Tony is one of the best

  4. Lotsa Dogs says - Posted: December 12, 2015

    And not everyone (deserving or not) is put in the news paper or social media when they a duece.

  5. Alan Smithee says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    Really? Cut him some slack? He’s one of the good guys?

    No! He’s a drunk driver and knows better than most the havoc and destruction they cause. He’s law enforcement.

    He should have the book thrown at him.

  6. Kits Carson says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    Tony IS one of the good guys. We could use more of him. Give him a break. Deputies are humans, too.

  7. Dogula says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    Should the laws apply differently to some than to others? We see it far too often, and I have a problem with that. If the law is wrong, change it. If the law is right, enforce it equally.

  8. Liberule says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    Oh the hypocrisy is sickening. Cut him some slack? Wow. Just wow.

  9. Steven says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    What if he was in an accident and killed someone ? Still cut him slack ? With no punishment it makes it too easy for him to do it again. He has probably driven drunk many times and finally got caught or was stopped by a law enforcement person who wouldn’t “cut him some slack “.

  10. Linda says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    Shame on this cop,He is no different then any other person that drinks and drives,Shame .I always think of children playing out ,and it could of been a child hit,slam him good.

  11. dumbfounded says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    Opinion: any LEO knows the dangers of alcohol and driving far better than the average citizen. They usually have witnessed the effects by responding to accidents and incidents involving alcohol. The duty of notifying loved ones of the death of their child, father, brother, mother or sister is one of the worst jobs ever. All of these are well-known. Every officer should be held to the same standard as citizens, perhaps an even higher standard given their training. Of course he should be held to the law. You know, the law that he took an oath to uphold.

  12. Michael Lee says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    Police are human also, the courts will see he is punished accordingly.
    Yes we expect a higher moral ground for police but the truth is, they are just like the rest of us, prone to screw ups.
    If he continues to drink and drive, then it is whole new issue.
    I am still wondering about the sled-net detective who was arrested in nevada for drugs. That to me is news worthy.

  13. Cranky Gerald says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    To all who advocate cutting this cop some slack…

    What is wrong with you people?

    If this cop is a “solid good cop” and is “one of the good guys”, what in hell do the bad ones look like?

    If you or I were stopped for the same thing, would we get slack as an ordinary working citizen?

    Obviously a rhetorical question, we all know the answer already.

    Broadfoot’s position as a law enforcement officer should not get him any treatment different than the average resident gets, meaning a handcuffed ride in the back seat to the hospital for a blood test and thence to jail.

    It is also likely that this is not the first time, just the only time he has been driving impaired enough to attract an officers attention.

    On a completely different point,
    I agree with Lotsa dogs and wonder why this gets front page news, given that establishment of guilt or innocence is not even mentioned, and has likely not been determined.

    Give him his day in court before he is convicted in the media.
    Either report everybody when charged or nobody.

  14. Kits Carson says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    “What if he was in an accident and killed someone” ?

    But he wasn’t and didn’t.

    Michael Lee: Well said. I agree 100%.

  15. Pete says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    A deputy, (a guy who has a sworn duty to put his life on the line)deserves the same treatment that everybody else gets! This is not the only dui arrest this weekend, but it’s the only dui in the news. This deputy is likely the only (suspect) who’s suspended from his job before a conviction. Only fools, sitting on the high horse of a perfect life, see it as corruption. Give me a break!

  16. J says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    I suspect a another outcome as that EDC school official, paid handsomely to disappear, driving while intoxicated is breaking the law pure and simple, he must of been very plowed to get sized up as intoxicated and arrested by a CHP.

  17. EB says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    Those of you defending officer Broadfoot as a “good guy” who should be cut some slack… You’re either the type that always defends cops as “they can do no wrong” or you suffer from “small town syndrome” where you always defend your home town cronies never bothering to get the facts before you defend them.

    What if officer Broadfoot was on his way to work when this happened? What if officer Broadfoot was drinking himself into a coma because of choices he made that are destroying his personal life? Is he still a good guy that deserves some slack? Or is he an out of control person that is a danger to himself, his family and this town? Defending him only excuses his behavior. So save your cronie defense of him for his funeral when you can tell everyone you’re so sorry you didn’t see this coming and wish you hadn’t been blinded by your small town BS.

  18. Tahoesnow says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    It is not the only one in the news. A school bus driver driving kids was dui. The deputy was going to work drunk, glad he was caught before he got on patrol carrying a gun.

  19. Retired Cop says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    If Broadfoot was a plumber, an attorney, teacher or held any other position this article never would have been “newsworthy.” Yet, naturally the Press posts it because it’s about any possible way to make law enforcement look bad. I’m surprised his photo isn’t splattered with the headlines.
    Did Broadfoot screw up? You betcha and he should and will go through the process just as any other offender.
    Do cops “know better?” What does that mean? WE ALL know better when it cones to drinking and driving. And like the rest of the “US” we ALL are subject to making mistakes and poor judgement and receiving punishment.
    He is on Administrative Leave pending the two investigations. The plumber, attorney or teacher arrested goes right back to work. But not a cop because we ARE held to a higher standard. As far as being paid, he is innocent until proven guilty. Remember that part of the judicial process, or does that only apply to the general citizenry?
    Do you really think anyone wants to be off on paid Administrative Leave pending TWO investigations rather than being working? Trust me, Broadfoot will be held accountable with his Department. Does the plumber, attorney or teacher face Administration sanctions, punishments, removal from assignments? No they do not!
    You people wanting blood beyond what you would be punished with should remove the plank from your own eye before attacking this Deputy.
    Who knows what is going on with Broadfoot? I am in no way making an excuse for his actions but maybe this is a good thing that he got popped for deuce beyond being a drunk driver off the street.
    Maybe there is more going on here then any of us are aware of and this situation gets him back on track which is a good thing for him and the citizenry. I’ve seen it before in my career and good came out of these situations in the end.i know it’s difficult for some to see that far forward since many have such narrow thinking. Fortunately, no one got hurt. Oh, and the law does not punish for the “what ifs.”
    Yep, he is a Deputy but he is also just a man like you and me. That is the message I am understanding from people being accused of supporting him.

  20. TeaTotal says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    He must have been way f-ed up to get arrested for DUI right here in town by his LEO brotherhood homies-of course we’ll never know what really happened- Retired Cop-cry me a river about cop abuse-that’s a joke

  21. Level says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    Retired Cop you’re argument holds no water in light of the EDC School Superintendent’s recent arrest and publicity. And some on this forum were calling for his head, and got it. It’s funny to see a couple regulars commenting for leniency here, but not in that other situation I mentioned .

  22. Retired Cop says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    One more thing: Michael Lee is spot on!

  23. Retired Cop says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    To Level,
    I think the charges (multiple) against the EDC member is a bit different than a DUI arrest. Not only criminally but also regarding ethics. This is the exact myopic thinking I mentioned. Take that plank out of your eye.
    To TeaTiotal: you crack me up. The CHP arrested him and he was booked like anyone else but you make an issue of this fact, being surprised and the “cop brotherhood” that he was treated like anyone else. This arrest went down by the numbers and you attack it anyway.
    Get real Dude

  24. TeaTotal says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    Retired-who do think you’re kidding with that BS? You don’t think some cops cover up for others? Get real dude-you crack me up-do you watch any news other than foxnooz? Hell no you don’t- try tuning in to the real world of LEO out of control violence nationwide and face up to it-I agree that most cops are decent but if they really are they should step up against the roid-rage racists and trigger-happy yahoos-ethics? BS

  25. Kenny (Tahoe Skibum) Curtzwiler says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    I only saw one poster who wanted to give some slack and one to give a break. Most who know Tony would agree he is a good person but to give slack or special treatment cannot and should not happen. After bartending in this town for over 23 years I see what a dui does to people. When you get a dui it’s usually because you finally got caught and not a one time occurrence. Also might be a cry for help and a sense of relief for that person as well as a wake up call. Definitely good no one got hurt.

  26. Kits Carson says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    Tea: “out of control violence nationwide”? Yes, thanks to your racist president and his radical race baiting cronies.

  27. Kits Carson says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    EB: Sounds like you must live under the same roof as he to have so many details.

  28. RainParader says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    Drunk driving = “made a mistake”??? Get real…

  29. Kits Carson says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    When I said give him a break, I was referring to posters being so hard on him. I’m all for him being held to answer just like anyone. He put himself in this position and now he’ll have to deal with it.

  30. Cranky Gerald says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    Come on Kenny….Live with what you wrote.

    you agreed completely percent with Joe who wanted some slack given..

    So that makes three who want to treat him specially because he is a cop.

    The throw the book at him nuts are equally wrong.

  31. Retired Cop says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    Hey TT
    What is covered up here? Stick to the subject at hand.
    Hey let’s hear it for the other 332,000 cops doing a good job today.
    Some folks need to read comments slower to understand them before firing up their keyboards.
    Three Fingers is simply saying in different words, “let the process take its course.” Broadfoot will be punished,as he should be if guilty. Whether he keeps his job or not is yet to be seen based on an investigation. I’ve seen similar situations and the penalties administered both criminally and administratively corrected each of the officers behavior and they returned to duty as fine productive employees. That being said, I know it is not always the case but what I am saying it often is.

  32. nature bats last says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    Kitty litter, run out of kindness pills again?

  33. Kenny (Tahoe Skibum) Curtzwiler says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    Retired, gonna have to give you a high Four LOL

  34. Retired Cop says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    10-4 Kenny. Works for me.

  35. Kits Carson says - Posted: December 13, 2015

    Retired: Well said.

  36. Tahoechick says - Posted: December 14, 2015

    Really don’t even get me started…..I could write a book about what the cops around here do and it would be all based on facts….and it would make you want to get the hell out of here…..what I have witnessed is pathetic and trust me it’s all gonna come out…..this behavior from someone who thinks he is above the law and the behavior witnessed by myself and young children is pathetic…..I hope he is dethroned….

  37. Kits Carson says - Posted: December 15, 2015

    Why don’t you share some of your facts?

  38. Snoplease says - Posted: December 17, 2015

    Yeah, lets hear your facts Tahoechick, or should we wait for them to come out in your “book”? Zip it…

    If any of you here have ever met him or know him you know he really is one of the “good guys”. We all make mistakes, some are big like this one and some are small. We’ve all had to pay for mistakes at one point in our lives. So will he. Don’t be so quick to judge one of our heroes in town.

  39. Liberule says - Posted: December 17, 2015

    If a drunk driving cop is considered a “hero” to this town we have more problems than I thought. Snoplease you are completely out of line. Shame on you troll.

  40. Liberule says - Posted: December 17, 2015

    Let’s take a look at cops in town: you have the guy who banged high school gang members and covered up their gun crimes, we have the officer arrested for selling meth, and now we have plastered officers driving around while working. This town needs a complete disbanding of the force and a fresh start.

  41. Snoplease says - Posted: December 17, 2015

    Calm down libby…you hater of heroes. You don’t even know the guy.

    Zip it libby.

    Your such an hysterical poster on this site.

  42. Snoplease says - Posted: December 17, 2015

    And I thought you weren’t engaging me anymore anyway libby, help me and the others on here and…

    ZIP IT!

  43. Liberule says - Posted: December 17, 2015

    Snoplease- no idea who you are. Just another minion of mine? It’s good to be king baby.