Letter: Physical therapy team helps at B&B

To the community,

By providing meals and giveaway food bags, Bread & Broth strives to give hope and comfort to those who struggle with hunger in our community. Thanks to B&B’s Adopt A Day of Nourishment sponsors, filling and well-balanced meals are served every Monday at St. Theresa Grace Hall.

Knowing that nutritious meals will be served and additional food to take home will be provided, B&B’s Monday evening dinner guests gratefully know that they will not be hungry for at least for that day.

Sponsoring the Dec. 21 dinner event was Gallanty Physical Therapy. The AAD volunteer crew consisted of new owner Christina Frohlich and fellow team members Jim Gallanty, Lauren Andrew and Roxanne Chiarpotti.

“Everyone was so nice and thankful and grateful,” was Frohlich’s response while taking a break from the serving line. “I’m so glad we were able to be a part of something so special. I feel more committed to our community here in South Lake Tahoe.”

As an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization, B&B is able to continue its mission of easing hunger due to our partnerships with our sponsors. Not only are we grateful for Gallantry Physical Therapy’s financial donation, but also for stepping up and helping out at the dinner. This enthusiastic group bagged giveaways, served dinner, dried dishes and stayed after the dinner to help with cleanup.

Thank you to Gallanty Physical Therapy your incredible service and concern for our community.

Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth