Opinion: Reviewing South Tahoe’s accomplishments

By Nancy Kerry

As we welcome in 2016, the city of South Lake Tahoe would like to reflect on the accomplishments of 2015.

The following is a summary of accomplishments during 2015.

Strategic Priority: Fiscal Sustainability

Nancy Kerry

Nancy Kerry

The most important issue facing cities and local agencies is continued steadfast attention to the budget, both short term and long term fiscal impacts.

  • Fiscal year 15-16 budget adopted on time and without use of alternative revenues — third consecutive year.
  • Adopted five-year financial forecast and five-year capital investment plan.

Strategic Priority: Improve the Built Environment

  • Implemented Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Ordinance to ensure common sense regulations for the use of hotel/motel rooms as quality transitional housing.
  • Implemented plastic bag ban for all grocery stores.
  • Implemented comprehensive Vacation Home Rental (VHR) Ordinance to ensure safety compliance.
  • Adopted the Tahoe Valley Area Plan which focuses on creating a commercial, mixed-use, and multi-family development that are pedestrian friendly and transit oriented while harmonizing with the overall natural environment of the Lake Tahoe Basin.
  • Completed phase 4 of $4.5 million Sierra Tract erosion control project.
  • Airport Master Plan completed.

Strategic Priority: Economic Development

Growing the economy is important to the entire South Shore. Economic development is necessary as a strategy of the City Council and survivability of the South Shore.

  • Construction began at Zalanta Resort at the Village consisting of high-end luxury condominiums and 19,477 square feet of retail space.
  • Renovation of the shops at the Y to begin in 2016.
  • Construction began for the new 27-acre Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care Center on Al Tahoe Boulevard.
  • $2.145 million in grant funding awarded for Al Tahoe Boulevard Safety and Mobility Enhancement Project.

50th Anniversary Events

  • Held open houses at police, fire, development services, recreation and administrative service departments.
  • Hosted a parade with 100 vehicles, 450 walkers and 200 cyclists.
  • Hosted a gala dinner event at Lake Tahoe Resort Hotel.
  • Created a 123-page commemorative book of the city’s first 50 years.
  • Created a 45-minute video with interviews chronicling the formation of the city of South Lake Tahoe.

Community Engagement Initiative

  • 23,000 average monthly website visitors
  • 20,572 Facebook likes
  • 2,314 Twitter followers
  • 2,180 Instagram followers
  • Launched SpeakupSLT.com website
  • Launched eComment feature for public to comment on agenda items before City Council meetings
  • Launched OpenGov to view city’s budget in real time
  • Hosted Coffee with a Cop during summer months.

Strategic Priority: Partnership Development

  • Through partnership with Tahoe Area Mountain Bike Association (TAMBA) and South Lake Tahoe BMX Association, built the Bijou Bike Park.
  • Partnership with El Dorado County on implementation of Parks, Trails & Recreation Master Plan.
  • Participated in emergency evacuation and preparation with multiple agencies including; EDSO, CHP, American Red Cross, Barton Hospital, LTUSD and USFS.
  • Established Legacy Principles for the South Shore with group of 40 community leaders.

Strategic Priority: Quality Core Services

Delivering quality core services is a key function of city government and the main reason the city was formed 50 years ago to deliver police, fire and snow removal operations. The following actions and activities supported the strategic priority to deliver quality core services.

  • Implemented the South Tahoe Action Team (STAT) program and trained citizens to be first responders in large scale emergencies.
  • Acquired 1740 D St. to create an office and industrial facility for the city’s Public Works Department staff and equipment currently located at the Rufus Allen Corporation Yard and the Tata Lane Offices.
  • Purchased new sander/plow truck fleet.
  • Purchase new street sweeper fleet.
  • Installed asset management system.

Long Term Planning Initiatives

  • Recreation complex renovations.
  • Regan Beach upgrades and remodel.
  • Expansion of community playfields.
  • Implementing El Dorado Beach to Ski Run Bike Trail.