SnowGlobe VIP tent a questionable experience

Not everyone believes the  VIP area at SnowGlobe is worth the extra money. Photo Copyright 2015 Carolyn E. Wright

Not everyone believes the VIP area at SnowGlobe is worth the extra money. Photo Copyright 2015 Carolyn E. Wright

By Kathryn Reed

It doesn’t pay to be a VIP at SnowGlobe. At least that was the opinion of some who were asked about their experience.

A three-day general admission pass with shuttle costs $249. Three-day VIP was $449, which also included transportation. Both sold out. Promoters of the three-day music festival in South Lake Tahoe that ends tonight wouldn’t provide the number of tickets sold.

Most people are too busy enjoying the music to worry about the VIP area. Photo Copyright 2015 Carolyn E. Wright

Most people are too busy enjoying the music to worry about the VIP area. Photo Copyright 2015 Carolyn E. Wright

VIP tickets also come with an express line for entrance into the festival, an exclusive lounge, premium view of the main stage, viewing platforms, access to experiential art installations, daily tastings from on-site food vendors, and the opportunity for artist meet and greets, according to the website.

Several people in the VIP area on Dec. 30 told Lake Tahoe News they didn’t believe they were getting their money’s worth and said what was promised was not delivered.

Julia Scheibe, left, doesn't like the changes to this year's VIP perks. Photo Copyright 2015 Carolyn E. Wright

Julia Scheibe, left, doesn’t like the changes to this year’s VIP perks. Photo Copyright 2015 Carolyn E. Wright

“Last year it was double the size, there was better lighting, it was elevated, you could look around. There was a bigger patio,” Julia Scheibe of San Francisco told Lake Tahoe News. “I’m sitting here wondering what I paid for.”

The seat is one thing she paid for. The free warming tents don’t have seating, nor do the two concert tents.

The VIP area is also less crowded. This in turn meant the line at the bar was shorter.

Nick Arbelaez and Stephanie Shamo believe the VIP tent is a quiet spot from the masses. Photo Copyright 2015 Carolyn E. Wright

Nick Arbelaez and Stephanie Shamo enjoy the less crowded spot. Photo Copyright 2015 Carolyn E. Wright

For Nick Arbelaez and Stephanie Shamo of South Lake Tahoe they liked the privacy of the tent – being away from the drugs, fights and crowds, as they put it.

Getting out of the below freezing temperatures (it’s supposed be a low of 8 degrees tonight) was attractive to Ethan Polte and Brittany Fletcher of South Lake Tahoe. The couple had not planned to attend SnowGlobe, but Polte received the two VIP passes as a tip while waiting tables at the Driftwood Café.

Rob Garza keeps his fans warm by creating danceable music. Photo Copyright 2015 Carolyn E. Wright

Rob Garza keeps his fans warm by creating danceable music. Photo Copyright 2015 Carolyn E. Wright

But this isn’t the only venue to get warm. The Igloo Tent in particular with its low ceiling and dancing festivalgoers made it toasty inside. Wall-to-wall people in the two warming tents also provided natural heat beyond the limited heat that was blown in.

Those braving the elements found warmth huddling together in a grove of hammocks. Nearby was a fire art installation that cast off warmth.

Khloe Layo has a front row seat from the VIP tent to the main stage. Photo Copyright 2015 Carolyn E. Wright

Khloe Layo has an unobstructed view from the VIP tent to the main stage. Photo Copyright 2015 Carolyn E. Wright

This was Khloe Layo’s first experience at SnowGlobe and in a VIP area at any concert. Sitting at one of the three windows she had a direct view to the main stage. It was hard to tell who was on stage, though the music can be heard without any problem. There are no monitors or screens, however, to see what is going on at any of the three stages.

Layo said the best part was having bathrooms out back and not having to wait. What frustrated her was at the entrance she and the other VIP’ers were supposed to have their own line to speed up the process. Instead they were with the throngs of concertgoers.

Cozy hammocks are one way to beat the chill. Photo Copyright 2015 Carolyn E. Wright

Cozy hammocks are one way to beat the chill. Photo Copyright 2015 Carolyn E. Wright

One couple from the Bay Area thought they’d be paying extra to have bathrooms beyond regular port-a-potties. Wrong. What they got was a corral of these bathrooms that were not shared with the masses, which meant no lines. They also couldn’t believe how slick the ground was. It wasn’t just the snow. The entranceway and the path to the bathrooms each have a slab of what appears to be metal flooring that is painted. It’s hard to have stable footing on it in wet conditions.

Food was also an expectation of some. Two empty silver serving dishes were next to the bar. When a worker was asked if any food had been served the response at 6:50pm was, “Not yet today.” The event started at 2:30pm.

The VIP area was moved this year to be almost directly behind the main stage. Last year it was on the far side of the field and at a right angle to the stage. There was also a large elevated outdoor area in 2014. This year the crowd penned in at the VIP area was at the same level as the throng of general admission ticket holders.

SnowGlobe officials did not answer Lake Tahoe News’ questions about the VIP area.


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This article was written by admin


Comments (47)
  1. Dogula says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    Promoter’s a shyster. Young partiers are easy to separate from their money without having to provide much.
    And since most are from out of town, they won’t be expressing their concerns to our oh-so-concerned city council.

  2. Denise says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    As a local who has no intention of going to SnowGlobe, I loved these photos by Carolyn. They really give a sense of place. Wow.

    I think this event is a boon to our SLT economy and seeing the happy faces of the concertgoers all around town makes me believe it’s a huge success.

    Here’s to more greatness for our town in the New year.

  3. PR says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    I am considering a petition process to demand that the city council either move or cancel SnowGlobe. The noise and disruption to residents of the Al Tahoe and Bijou neighborhoods is offensive and a disgrace. I suppose that if you’re at SG you hear something that sounds like music but for those in the neighborhoods surrounding it you hear only incessant electronic noise with a loud bass.
    In the Rancho Circle neighborhood we’ve been encountering stoned partiers on our back yards. We’ve put up with it since the beginning and should have organized in opposition before.
    Would there be support for a petition effort?

  4. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    A great event for South Shore can’t wait to go tonight.

  5. Hmmm... says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    Caveat Emptor

  6. J says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    PR, ain’t gonna happen, the city does not give a rats a## about us who endures this atrocity of disturbing our peace and quiet. It’s all about MONEY, money rules everything no matter at what cost. Watch, they will build that field, when I was a kid growing up here all these type of events where operated indoors to be considerate to all the surrounding neighborhoods, etc. Those days are long gone now, because of our fine rulers in the city and council. As I mentioned before we are a 1/2 mile from snowglobe and I noticed that the stage is aimed right us, it’s extremely loud from start to finish everyday and night. On another note, it’s not even live music, you know the art and talent to perform live music! It’s a bunch of DJs, why can’t they take Snowglobe to a large Stateline convention room or two or three or four?! Well I’m sure I will be attacked by me dare writing this, listen to the old one speak, for that they have lived through .
    A Happy New Year to all, over and out.

  7. Isee says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    Nice photos of what ‘recreation’ has been reduced to in the City of SLT. Imagine that, in this mountain town which supposedly prides itself on recreational opportunities, there’s not one single public place for people to cross-country ski, snowshoe, or just play in the snow. Those athletes, families and non-concert goers, are out of the picture. LTCC and the city have made a ‘consortium’ to go after basin Rec. Bond money in order to make a permanent place for this Molly Festival (SnowGlobe). Whoring for money, is what it is. Notice that the promoter will not reveal how many tickets are sold and previously refuses to answer questions about how much money is made serving alcohol. All this while thousands of people would love a x-country track at LTCC, or anywhere for that matter, like was promoted during their $55 million Bond grab. Is this what anyone thinks of as proper use of taxpayer “recreation” bond monies??? “SnowGlobe” can afford to build itself it’s own field at our ‘esteemed institution of higher learning’ and then deed LTCC the title as they expect taxpayers to do.

  8. Buck says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    Drugs, fights and crowds a great event for SLT. We voted out two council members that didn’t listen to the people about parking we can do the same for two more if they do not hear us about OUR fields. Take back our neighborhoods.

  9. Retired cop says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    Glad I retired before this started up (Snow Globe). Some mentioned no place to cross country ski. Isn’t the golf course area groomed for it? I know when I lived there years ago, Parks and Rec ran a groomer on it. I would ski there. But I imagine to X country ski there now with deafening “music” blasting at you, it is not the Tahoe experience vacationers who enjoy the mountains come here for. As far as the City Council, many posters are spot on. It is all about the dollar, period.

  10. dumbfounded says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    PR, J, Isee, Buck and others. I’m with you. This is pathetic. It is not music, it is a rave. They know it, we know it and it disgusts me that they think they are fooling anyone. They know that this entire affair is anathema to the original intent of Measure S, to the rules banning drugs and alcohol from school property and to the peace and security of our citizens. They know this and ignore it. Citizens need to ask themselves why their “leaders” ignore them completely.

  11. Blue Jeans says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    If anyone at all thinks that city or county officials are going to step up and take care of taxpayers they are (very sadly) delusional. Our neighborhoods are being destroyed by vacation rentals despite zoning restrictions. People near SG are driven from their homes during the concerts.

    The CA Civil Code has provisions guaranteeing Californians the peaceful enjoyment of their homes. This statute should be used for protection from vacation rentals and major disruptions like SG.

    The more we stand still for this, the more will be foisted on residents in the name of promoting economic stability.

  12. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    Sorry you guys are all so down on the event, it’s a great event people have fun, it’s not for every one but the people that go seem to really enjoy it.

    And yes it is about money always has been we just need to fully adjust to that reality because it’s not going to change in this world ever.

  13. LeanForward says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    This event, while controversial, is important for South Lake to stay relevant to the youth. I know you all want peace and quiet, but it’s a fun event that has become a “destination” that many west coasters make a thing. IE it’s a reason for rich young bay area folks to come here. The world is changing. Roll with it.

  14. dumbfounded says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    Carl, it is not so much “adjusting to reality”, it is a blatant departure from the intent of public spending. When the public votes to spend their money, it is a travesty that any governing body ignores that intent and does something that is directly the opposite of the intent. For instance, I would assume that you would be against the City or County proposing a TOT hike to support marketing efforts for the area if they turned around and spent the money on raises for City employees. This is a similar situation. The field was built for sports, not raves. Indeed, the event is great for those who love it and not so great for those who don’t. Not the point. The point is that the City has decided and arranged to use (and destroy) facilities that the public paid for assuming specific use. Have a great time.

  15. Robin Smith says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    LOL..My Father felt the sameway about ELVIS…LOL

  16. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    Look at the old phogies and thier self righteous indignant complaints. Tahoe partied harder, uglier and dirtier in the 70s and 80s and ya’ll know it. We attend with our son each year and it is a fun party! Bring on the BASS!!

  17. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    Dumbfounded the city did exactly that they quit funding tourism with T.O.T. a long while ago. The original intent of T.O.T. was for tourism promotion now it all goes into the general fund for all city expenses. Definitely not the original intent but you adjust and move on. That’s why the TBID was developed. The lodging industry adjusted. Yes the fields were built for sports and they are used for sports. The field would otherwise be sitting empty as it did for years in the winter months. It’s not like sports are not being conducted on the field because of a week related to the event. SNOWGLOBE will pack up and go home in a couple of days and sports will return in the spring. If the city can develop another location for this event and others and we can also have a sports field even better. If it took SNOWGLOBE to create the incentive for an additional venue good for the city and college for stepping up and making it happen. Get used to change.

  18. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    And give me break. It has looked and operated better in recent years than ever before. You want peace and quiet for X country skiing? Drive (or ski!) the mile or two to WORLD CLASS WILDERNESS! Bring on the BASS AND LOVE!

  19. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    This just in from the spirit a Washoe medicine man…”too many houses and cars here now. Please leave.” It’s all relative. As person with native roots in my family, I humbly request that if you own a house in the basin you immediately uproot and relocate, preferably to the desert somewhere. Bring on da BASS AND LOVE AND PARTY!!

  20. Louis says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    Lots of complaints, yet there is no mention at all, of which council members support SG. If you like making the money and don’t mind using public funds you can vote for them, if you don’t, then don’t. Sounds like something to keep in mind for the next Q&A come election time Kay.

  21. Liberule says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    Tahoebluewire: great. You’re one of those old weird druggies that still thinks they’re “hip”. You’re son must be so very embarrassed.

  22. Buck says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    Carl: the field was in great shape before snowglobe. Snowglobe does not belong on ball fields. It’s not about adjusting its about measure S tax dollars! Consortium or city council needs to stop destroying fields the taxpayer is paying for.

  23. dumbfounded says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    Carl, I find your lack of perspective shocking. We taxpayers paid for a field, the City didn’t. But, they are the ones who are wrecking it. This isn’t about change at all.

    I think that the idea of SnowGlobe is wonderful. Let the City figure out a way to hold it without destroying our facilities. Do you think that San Francisco taxpayers paid for Bill Graham to hold Dead shows? Of course not.

    I’m all for the idea. But, I’m not for taxpayers subsidizing it. As I said, have a great time!

  24. Elvis says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    The sky is falling

  25. Dogula says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    Dumbfounded put it exactly right.

  26. Robin Smith says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    Dumb…”We taxpayers paid for a field, the city didn’t”.

    The tax payers are the City.

    VOTE…get your friends to VOTE.

  27. Alan Smithee says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    It’s not that some of us are against Snowglobe. It’s just that if the city wants to bring events here like these we need it to have a proper venue with lighting, access, parking. As of now it takes over the playfield, college, bijou park, Mid school parking, Riteaid/Ross parking. It also needs to be in an area that is not in the middle of residential neighborhoods. Heads in Beds is the game in this town. We know this. But this event doesn’t have a proper venue.

    Also…can it be held when the town is not at capacity?

  28. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    Dumbfounded I understand the situation and your view very well. The reality is the world has changed and municipalities all over the country pay for events every day of the year. This can be in the form of cash payments/site fees or use of municipal facilities and resources (police/emergency services etc.) in fact many have specific offices to attract and facilitate special events. It’s a very different world then when the Dead played the Fillmore and that’s not an exact comparison. That’s a private promoter paying to use a private facility which we also do in this town. But that’s not the only event model there is. Plenty of municipalities pay for events to be held in public facilities. I am not sure when all the costs and benefits are added up there is a subsidy. The city receives tax dollars generated by visitor spending, it also provides an event that some level of locals like to attend and the value the city receives in aligning with the event with the millennial market for future visits is significant.
    Yes there is a cost using the venue but you have to also consider the short and long term revenue the event generates for the city. It’s also important to understand that as a city who relies on visitor spending for a large portion of its operating budget we have to be competitive in attracting the millennial segment both for visitation today and more importantly tomorrow. This event is critical for future visits and revenues from this important segment, a segement that many other destinations are vying for.

    I totally understand your view and agree that It is a valid perspective. But I also believe there are other perspectives as well that need to be considered. From a tourism perspective this event is very important to the community l live near the event I hear it every night but I believe it needs to be supported I guess we can agree to disagree.

  29. LS says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    Whoosh!! Carl still doesn’t get it. It is not just the city propety owners who are paying Rec. Bond Measures. It is also County/basin property owners (not within the city) and they have zero representation in this sordid scheme. It will be found to be an illegal manuever, I’d be willing to bet. BTW, doesn’t a snowmobiling track at the fields,in the winter, sound like fun?…and it would be a money maker. To hell with quality of life

  30. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    Some people make South Lake Tahoe sound like the place to go and be old.

    Happy “old” year to all the fogies. Hope the next “new” thing you experience isn’t only the latest health malady that descends upon you.

    Spouse- 4-mer-usmc

  31. billy the mountain says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    Says: “Promoter’s a shyster.”
    Offers zero support for that statement.
    Given that you are wrong about almost everything, the promoter is probably, unlike most promoters, and a very nice person and fair businessman.

    I don’t care what music it is or who is involved. Anything that freaks out the square community is OK with me. Next winter I hope the city will host a snow dong sculpting competition. Bad news old people: the snow dongs will be built on your lawns, and there will be kids on drugs, all over your lawn.

  32. Lou pierini says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    Carl gets paid by the City.

  33. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    my other post was taken off oh well.

    Fights,Drugs and Booze that’s a good marketing slogan.

    it wasn’t worth the Money that’s a better marketing slogan.

    those are nice Photographs.

  34. says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    It’s not just Carl who thinks Snowglobe is great for the city. As usual the outspoken minority of 50+ Rednecks speaks out on LTN.

  35. Lou pierini says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    Carl works for the City.

  36. Linda says - Posted: December 31, 2015

    Its love , Peace, and Happiness,Happy New Year,Stay Groovie all.

  37. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    This years event went well for me at the Y. Only heard the fireworks which I like.

    My condolences to the people who live closer.

  38. Kenny (Tahoe Skibum) Curtzwiler says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    50+ Rednecks?? Hey I resemble that in that I have long hair to hide my Redneck Lol

  39. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Lou just to correct the record I don’t work for the city and don’t get paid by the city. I do however own a business in the city and am a resident of the city.

  40. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    LS I as a former county resident who supported the measure let me reassure you I fully understand the issue and if as you suggest the whole thing is a “sordid scheme” I would welcome and support a full investigation by the El Dorado County District Attorney. Some of us just simply have a difference of opinion. From a tourism perspective I support the event as I have outlined above, others disagree which I respect. We can all advocate our position to the decision makers and let the chips fall where they may. Again we can agree to disagree.

  41. Snoplease says - Posted: January 7, 2016

    I had a good time…got some good booty shaking in with the friends, wife n kid. I’ve been to four of the five Snowglobes. This one was the quietest sound wise by far. They REALLY turned the bass down at the main stage. As opposed to Bassnectar the first year…I think Minden could hear the bass that year. :0)

  42. Snoplease says - Posted: January 7, 2016

    And to all the haters…this is the progression of popular music with the new generation whether you like it or not. Demonizing the new sound of popular music goes back 65 years when rock n roll was the “new” sound, and has been through the glam rock, metal, punk, hippie sounds till now and the associated drug taking with that music so it think we should all try and renew our inner 20 year old…its in there

  43. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 7, 2016


    My father felt the same way about Elvis! Shakin those hips!


  44. Kits Carson says - Posted: January 7, 2016

    There is no talent involved with standing there playing some record and warping it by forcing it backwards. I don’t find snow globe appealing at all but it would be nice if there were actual musicians on the stage. I guess this generation has no use for reality….or real talent. LOUDER doesn’t make it sound any better. But it was nice we didn’t read about some drug/alcohol induced person wandering off in zero degree weather this year

  45. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 7, 2016

    Frozen bodies were found in snow buried cars parked behind Harvey’s and Harrah’s every Spring thaw for years.

  46. maisiedog says - Posted: January 7, 2016

    Kits, your knowledge of EDM is zero. Standing there and playing some record and warping it, is so far from what they are doing up there on stage. These guys are actual composer of music, while the instrument(s) might look strange to you, it’s still music. You don’t have to like it or appreciate it, but don’t diminish the musicality and talent of these artist.

  47. Snoplease says - Posted: January 8, 2016

    Oh Kits…thats what the old geisers would say about Eddie Van Halen when he was “warping” his guitar on stage. No hatin man…this is just the progression of electronic music dude. It’s been around for a while…Nine in Nails, Depeche Mode, etc…