EDC seeks to be part of State of Jefferson


Updated Jan. 8, 6:40pm:

By Alexei Koseff, Sacramento Bee

Now tallying 20 counties among their ranks, supporters of the movement to carve an independent “State of Jefferson” out of Northern California plan to introduce a bill this session seeking sovereignty.

Organizers on Wednesday turned in declarations for 15 counties, including Sutter, Nevada and El Dorado, asking the state to grant them permission to separate. Six others petitions – which were either passed by the county boards of supervisors or reflect signature-gathering drives – have already been filed.

Jefferson proponents contend that their rural areas lack adequate representation in state government, which has led to over-regulation and environmental policies that decimated their regional economies, particularly the logging and mining industries that historically supported them. Their seal bears an XX, signifying that they have been double-crossed by state government.

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Comments (15)
  1. Whip says - Posted: January 7, 2016

    More power to them, and if they fail yet again, and they will, I fully support them packing up and leaving California.

  2. rock4tahoe says - Posted: January 7, 2016

    Nobody asked me if I want to form a new State; and I do NOT. El Dorado and Placer counties would end up subsidizing the other poor counties, since they are some of the poorest in the State now.

    But the real issue is how will these counties pay back the State of California for all the infrastructure, equipment, parks, roads, dams, irrigation projects, etc that has been spent over the past 150 years?

    Somebody needs to come up with an estimated bill ($) and send it to 200 people that were at that rally.

  3. K.Clancy says - Posted: January 7, 2016

    These bozos remind me of the Y’all Queda/Vanilla Isis morons in Oregon now.

  4. Alan Smithee says - Posted: January 7, 2016


  5. 28 in Tahoe says - Posted: January 7, 2016

    No way would I support this movement. Dead on arrival. California should remain California, off the wall as it is, love it.

  6. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: January 7, 2016

    Why does the state of Jefferson banner have to look like a bad Australian beer label?

  7. marcopolo says - Posted: January 8, 2016

    Random thoughts on corporate-libertarian successionism..

    …isn’t ‘XX’ beer from mexico???
    …I thought maybe double X indicated soft porn….
    …a gun raffle, YeeHawwww
    …sounds like the Wise Use movement back for another
    attempt at wrecking North America…
    wiki link:

  8. Chris Gray-Garcia says - Posted: January 8, 2016

    Quick correction here from Placer County’s public information office: Placer County does not seek to join the state of Jefferson. We’ve taken no action on this and have no plans to. Have followed up with the reporter at the Bee who filed this story to correct, but wanted to make sure we’re correcting it wherever we see it.

  9. Justice says - Posted: January 8, 2016

    Since Moonbeam is treasonous and has more allegiance to Mexico, he and the liberals can take the lower state and the welfare/felon/illegal burden and form a new republic of Mexico. The Conservative northern counties have every right to form a new state and they are supported by the conservative majority. If the libtards Don’t like it, leave. It is that simple.

  10. Rick H says - Posted: January 8, 2016

    Oh Justice, I get it. We liberals get to keep the economic engine we created, while you conservatives get to continue to wallow in your lack of jobs and poverty and living on the dole. Great plan!


  11. Kits Carson says - Posted: January 8, 2016

    Rick: Pretty much it’s your liberal forked tongue liar of a president that continues to perpetuate living off the dole. If you lack any skills, don’t want to work,(selling crack on da corner doesn’t count as a job) and want free everything from the a$$ wipe in the white house, then he’s your man. Yes, great plan you have going there. Pathetic takers…and you libs have no problem giving to that wretch.

  12. copper says - Posted: January 8, 2016

    Somewhere in town there’s a mother of a middle-schooler wondering why her purse is short $8.34 this month.

  13. Rick H says - Posted: January 8, 2016

    Kit, I know that conservatives are fact challenged. But Obama has overseen the greatest private sector job growth in the last two years since the late 1990s. Unemployment is at 5% which economists consider full employment. Also, Obama has overseen the slowest growth in government since Eisenhower (see this article from that liberal rag Forbs:

    California and most blue states produce more revenue for the federal government then they take, while most red states take more than they produce. Yeah those Repbulicans are doing a great job. Ask Brownback in Kansas that is suffering beyond belief. Places with lower education rates (like rural America) and most red states are is still struggling.

    The counties hoping to form the State of Jefferson are mostly white and the poorest on the Pacific Coast. I am tired so supporting uneducated white males. Oh and by the way. Middle aged white males is the only demographic that’s mortality rate has gone up – from depression, drug and alcohol addiction and suicide.

    So yeah spin off so you dumb-a– uneducated white males quite taking my hard earned income. BTW, I am a liberal, well-educated 62 yr old white male that owns my own business employing 20 scientist and makes a very good living.


  14. Tahoe Bob says - Posted: January 8, 2016

    Did El Dorado County actually make a Declaration to support the State of Jefferson? Or, did the SOJ supporters just collect some signatures in EDC? I spent a good hour searching the EDC website for this ‘declaration’ – nothing. Several Board of Supervisors meeting minutes where SOJ supporters made presentations say no action was taken. Anyone know?

  15. Liberule says - Posted: January 9, 2016

    Obama is a traitor. Can’t wait for that moron to be out on his butt. He’ll probably go on food stamps.