Comments sought on Tahoe transportation plan

In its capacity as the Tahoe Metropolitan Planning Organization, the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency this week released a draft active transportation plan for public review and comment.

The plan is designed to help local, state, and federal agencies continue to develop multiple-benefit projects to improve transportation options for bicyclists and pedestrians in the Lake Tahoe Basin.

The Linking Tahoe: Active Transportation Plan identifies high-priority locations for transportation infrastructure upgrades, discusses challenges to project implementation and potential solutions, highlights best practices for roadway design and maintenance, and offers an assortment of actions communities can take to enhance bicycle and pedestrian mobility.

The goal is to build a multi-modal transportation network around Lake Tahoe, connecting trails, sidewalks, bike lanes, and public transit routes so people can safely and efficiently get to school, work, shopping centers, and recreation sites without having to drive a motor vehicle.




This draft is online. TRPA will accept comments about the plan until Feb. 16. Send comments to Morgan Beryl by

There will also be public hearings:

·         TRPA Advisory Planning Commission, Feb. 10, 9:30am at TRPA offices in Stateline, 128 Market St.

·         North Tahoe Regional Advisory Council, Feb. 11, 6pm at the North Tahoe Event Center in Kings Beach, 8318 North Lake Blvd.

·         Tahoe Transportation Commission, Feb. 12, 9:30am at the TRPA offices in Stateline, 128 Market St.