Conner case stalled until judge situation resolved
The future of the Joann Conner vs. city of South Lake Tahoe case remains in limbo.
Conner wants someone other than El Dorado County Superior Court Judge Steve Bailey to hear the case. However, Bailey has said he is capable of making an unbiased ruling.
Now it will be up to a judge in neighboring Placer County to decide if Bailey is to hear the case or if someone else will. When she will make that decision is not known. It is likely she will do so without the need for a hearing.
Conner, a city councilwoman in South Lake Tahoe, last fall sued the city and City Manager Nancy Kerry because she believes she had been unfairly censured and should not have been banned from speaking with city staff.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report
…so now JoAnn is wasting taxpayer $$ in another county?
I’m shocked it has gone this far. Just grow up.
I would like to see them use this time, energy and money to fight the unjust rate increase by Liberty Energy.
Just wondering…..
As an elected representative of the people to the city council, how is censoring JoAnn Conner different than censoring the people of South Lake Tahoe?
I did not vote for her, but I am outraged that anyone would attempt to do this, especially our unelected city employees!
YES, it is a waste of taxpayer money and it is also a blatant power move by a city government that obviously needs a reminder that they work for the people who voted for JoAnn Conner.
Anyone that doesn’t like it should take it to the ballot box!
These actions by our city government are exactly why many in this town are disgusted with our local politics.
Ryan….”it is a blatant power move by a city government that obviously needs a reminder that they work for the people who voted for JoAnn Connor.”
agreed 100%
censuring != censuring
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Robin. Umm, there are five (5) elected city counsel members and the other four (4) were elected too. Both the vote for Censure and the vote to not have Conner interact with city staff were 4 – 1 votes.
In 2014 three members:
Wendy David got 1727 votes
Tom Davis got 1461 votes
Austin Sass got 1318
In 2012 two members:
Hale Cole got 2481 votes
Joann Conner got 2396 votes