Opinion: LTN making changes in 2016


By Kathryn Reed

Looking back on some of the headlines from 2015 I’m extremely proud and grateful to live here: Amgen women cyclists and other sporting events, local athletes excelling, businesses reinvesting in the area, environmental improvements, the artists and authors who share their world with us.

Looking back on others I’m embarrassed, saddened and just shake my head: the ones about political recalls, censure of an elected official, crime, deaths, lawsuits, companies treating employees shabbily.

Together, though, they represent our life in the Lake Tahoe Basin and beyond. The frivolity and the complexity of topics will never change; which is probably good, otherwise life might be boring.

People often ask why Lake Tahoe News doesn’t write more positive stories, why it’s always negative. My reply – there is no good or bad news, there is just news. We merely seek the truth of whatever the topic.

There are times as a publication we have plotted out special series like we did in 2015 with stories about the city of South Lake Tahoe turning 50. In 2016 we have a couple other special topics in the works. The first will commence at the end of the month. While it is not Tahoe-centric, it is a topic that is bound to resonate with many Lake Tahoe News readers.

Not all stories on LTN generate comments, but most do. We welcome the dialogue. For the most part we like the conversation. We understand there are plenty of reasons to remain anonymous while commenting.

However, starting today we are going to be more rigid with what is allowed to be posted. One of my favorite phrases is: “You can disagree without being disagreeable.” It’s time for the commenters to embrace that sentiment as well. Attack the idea, not the person. Then try to come up with a solution. Elevate the discussion; don’t let it devolve into childish rhetoric. If you can’t play nice, you will be banned from commenting. It’s that simple. If you aren’t using a valid email address, your comments won’t get posted. For all the people who claim we will be limiting your rights in regards to the First Amendment, you’re wrong – study the Constitution a bit more.

The goal is to make Lake Tahoe News more inviting, a place that welcomes diverse points of view without the threat of being demeaned and ridiculed. Disagree all you want among yourselves, just do it without the name calling. Be constructive, be passionate, pick apart flaws in reasoning, express why you agree or disagree — just don’t make it personal.

The biggest change is it is now going to cost people to comment. For $100 a year people may make as many comments as they like. Or you may choose to pay $10 for unlimited comments for that one month. A number of people already subscribe to Lake Tahoe News. Whatever the amount you’ve paid will continue to get you unlimited comments on an annual basis as long as you renew your subscription each year.

The pay-for-comment policy will take effect Feb. 1. This gives you time to subscribe. You may do so online. If cash or check is more to your liking, send them to: Lake Tahoe News, PO Box 13406, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96151. Please make checks payable to Lake Tahoe News. This paid subscriber form must also be filled out.

Becoming a paid subscriber, though, will not give you license to be abusive with your comments. Bullies will be banned — no matter the amount you’ve paid.

And with that, I wish you all a wonderful 2016.

Kathryn Reed is publisher of Lake Tahoe News.


About author

This article was written by admin


Comments (101)
  1. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    “We understand there are plenty of reasons to remain anonymous while commenting.”

    I disagree with that. If you’ve something to say you should use your name and address phone number e-mail or don’t say it.

    If you can’t show your face and take credit for what you’re saying then don’t say anything at all.

  2. Michael Lee says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Gracias para la verdad.
    We can make this a better world with the truth in media.
    Participants, straight ahead…. spectators use U-turn.
    Robin i agree with you partially on reveling identities. My name is good enough.
    Happy new years neighbors.

  3. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Miguelito!;)~ You’re right, name is good enough.

    If you can’t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.

  4. John mcDougall says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    I disagree with the anonymous posts part of this. if everyone had to post who they really are the conversation would be much more respectful,constructive and honest. To hide in the shadows using some anonymous names is where most of the nasty comments seem to come from and for me their just seems to be too much of that in our society today.

    In sharing my thoughts on this I might add for me, if you were to make that change I would be more than happy to subscribe in 2016. In any case to all of you
    Happy New Year!

  5. Lovely Lois says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Kae, everything you said is GOOD.

  6. Lisa Huard says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Well done! Happy New Year Lake Tahoe!

  7. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Excellent changes,well done and needed.

  8. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Lovely…”Kae, everything you said is GOOD”

    Carl…”well done and needed.”

    Lisa…”Well done!”

    John…”If you were to make that change I would be more than happy to subscribe in 2016.”

  9. Walter C Reinthaler Jr. says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Happy New Years and OLS would approve of the changes. Kae thanks for all the hard work.

    I love the special features and I really appreciated the one on the airport.

  10. Susan says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Have you considered making an exemption for the people who either came to Tahoe on vacation or know someone who did? More than a few times out-of-towners commented on here about one specific situation and they probably wouldn’t if they had to pay $10.

  11. Bonnie Driscoll says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Right on, Kae! I welcome these changes. Childish name calling does nothing but elicit the same. Let’s be adult in our disagreements!

  12. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Walter…”I really appreciated the one on the airport.”

    I missed that article about the airport. I would be interested also, do you remember the date?


  13. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Just posting under one’s name does not make that person polite, civilized, and certainly not respectful of other people’s opinions, as evidenced by some of the posts made above which do contain specific identities. Since Kathryn Reed owns this publication she gets to make up the rules. She’s provided a platform where people can even tell her they disagree with her, but they don’t get to tell her what to do. For a specific reason I choose to be an anonymous poster and what I’d like to see is an end to name calling when people have a differing opinion from someone else along with an elevated quality of discourse. But my desire for that doesn’t mean I’ll get what I want.

    “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” Thomas Jefferson

    Happy New Year.

  14. Hal Cole says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    I echo the sentiments of everyone. I see a great opportunity to not only open up discussion to a wider audience, but I also see an opportunity to support Lake Tahoe News.

    Growing up here, we always relied on our “daily” newspaper and our two radio stations (with live familiar voices) to get our local news. With the corporate nature of those media, we now turn to you, Kae, as the voice of our town.

    Your mix of relevant regional news as well as up to date information on what’s happening here on the South Shore is a gift we need to acknowledge. You often post stories within hours of their occurence.

    I also know that a lot of time and effort go into your site, and it must be difficult at times to make ends meet. I view my support of LTN much like my support of PBS. I am always happy to send them an annual contribution out of respect and appreciation for what they present. I want to keep them on the air. I want to keep LTN alive and well.

    I am proud to be a subscriber and look forward to engaging in frank discussions about our town’s future.

    Good Luck!!!

  15. Seriously? says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Love the new rules. The daily threads tend to get out of hand and all it does is make the full timers here look petty and immature. I always ask, would you talk to a stranger like that in person? OLS would totally approve. Happy New Year!

  16. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Ahh the old daze of anonyminity…gone:)

    There was “The Hat”….MOB
    There was “The Rebel”…Hell’s Angels
    There was “Snake”…musician

    Ahh the old daze:)….anonymous all

    Looking forward to seeing all your real? names:)

  17. deb howard says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Welcome the change Kae, Happy New year to all, lets make this a better more positive place and great year together!

  18. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    I wonder where most of us are going to post now. Seems like a good idea until you think about how easy it will be to use a fake name. Those who think they’re above other posters because they use their names have probable never felt the sting of the local civil service maffie.

    Also what made this site special was the on the scene posts of live events by people who normally don’t post. Not much different than the Tribune now.

    Thanks for the memories Kay. Sorry so many people had to make personal attacks.

  19. Les Wright says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Transparency forces us all to be better people.
    If we all had our name and address on the back of our cars I think we would all be better drivers as well.

    Kae, thanks for your great “paper”.

    And a Happy New Year to all!

    Les Wright

  20. JOAN YOUNG says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    It happens everwhere, not just Tahoe. Some people can’t just comment ON the subject but are compelled to detour into negative argument. I sometimes wonder if they remember what the original subject was! So childish. Just stay on the subject, folks, like Kae requests, and we’ll all be happier. Although we now live 3 hours away, we’re looking forward to up-to-date news of our beloved Tahoe in 2016 through LTN Keep up the great reporting, Kae.

  21. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 1, 2016



  22. Diana Hamilton says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    I’ve skipped the posts under pseudonyms so this may increase my interest and time spent reading the threads.

  23. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 1, 2016


    Please explain your post. I have a hangover.

    Also I’m glad that the powers that be like the changes. There will be few people left to publicly criticise them.

    Happy New Year!

  24. SCTahoe says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Media supporting capitalism and censorship in the same article.Go figure.

  25. K.Clancy says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    So much for “free” speech. Senior citizens that are on Soc. Sec didn’t get a COLA adjustment this year even though the costs of food, pharmaceuticals, rent, utilities and transportation increased dramatically. Most younger folks don’t think $10/month is significant. Think again. At least those with money will no longer have to tolerate the hated “libruls”.

  26. dan wilvers says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Charging to comment I’m afraid will limit the commentary, but probably not as much as the civility clause!
    Good improvement! Still missing OLS!

  27. Michael Lee says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Yes Robin, please explain your posts. I just do not get what message you are trying to convey. I have had interactions with you but have only come away from the encounter baffled.
    Out of all these posts made on this thread our intentions are clear and positive. What is your bag?

  28. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Sunriser2,”…probably never felt the sting of the local civil service maffie.”

    A few people have always screwed it up for everybody, ever notice that?

    I can tell that you are a nice person and have served your community.

    My comment was to mean “What goes round comes round.”

  29. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Miguelito….”what is your bag?”…everything was fine with me until you just had to throw that in!

  30. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Thanks Robin.

  31. Cautious and Skeptical says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    I agree that some need anonymity due to holding jobs that employers may or may not respect a personal opinion on-line. I agree that when posting one must be factual, tactful and respectful of others. Agree to disagree and leave it at that! Happy 2016. Looking forward to Kae’s excellent reporting of diverse topics!

  32. admin says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    SCTahoe … aka Scott Craig,

    I would think as manager of Riva Grill you would be fine with capitalism. This is not censorship. Find a dictionary, dude.

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  33. Bill Swim says - Posted: January 1, 2016


  34. Rob5 says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    This is probably going to kill the comments section. The Sacramento Bee made a similar change several years ago and a lively comments section died.

    The sites that I visit that have a civilized environment have volunteer moderators that police the comments and keep things civil. Maybe that would be a solution here.

  35. 28 in Tahoe says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    I have noticed that my posts have not gone through recently. I do not consider my posts to be all that disruptive, and my email address is valid. I am willing to go with my name if there would be no retaliation from a government agency, which is pertinent to my job.

  36. 28 in Tahoe says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    Okay went through guess my email got corrupted.

  37. Noel F says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    I have always used my name and I hope only been constructive in my opinions. However I will not pay to express them. I suggest you sell some advertising.

  38. Shenja says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    I agree with Clancy … You prob won’t be hearing from me anymore .. I’ll voice my opinions at local meetings for free I guess… Thanks but no thanks … Too bad!

  39. Dub says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    I’ve always been civil and respectful with comments though I am hesitant to put my real name on here and I think that $100 is too high a price. Please Make it around $20… I would use my real name also if it was required… I appreciate this news and many of the comments, but that’s a high price to comment for many of us locals…

  40. Researcher says - Posted: January 1, 2016

    The news is still free. I don’t have a problem paying to comment. Why not support LTN whether you comment or not?

    Thank you for all you all you do.

  41. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 1, 2016


  42. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    There always seem to be a few BAD apples in the barrel that spoil the fruit for everyone.

    A time old saying however true:(

  43. John N. Cefalu says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    Kae, the changes you are proposing are excellent and long overdue. Those that profess to be constructive and positive in the comments need to be accurate with the facts of the subject. Those that choose to berate others
    while concealing their itentity should not be allowed to comment. That brings to mind FmrUSMC who has often criticized me or my family members all the while hiding behind his moniker. If you can’t upfront,”don’t say it”.

  44. CT says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    The comments were always the most entertaining part of this blog. Sure there were ongoing back and forth banter that some people liked and others didn’t. That’s what opinions are all about. There is another blog I read where they have TWO opinion sites. One for playing nice and another for folks who want to say what’s on their minds without having to filter for “Political Correctness.” This site needs to change the name from Laketahoenews to Kae’stahoenews. Gonna miss the Dog and Fish Show.

  45. Cranky Gerald says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    Personally, I think 10 bucks/mo just to comment is not something I am going to do unless the commenters become civil. But at the same time I welcome the change. None of us are informed by rabble rousing liberal/conservative comments, name calling and related sentiments.

    Many don’t know the meaning of either and just want to incite anger it seems to me. I have dropped my comments back a lot from the past anyhow just as a choice. I will wait and see and may change my mind.

    The Tahoe Tribune has become increasingly irrelevant under its current format and and clearly is not the town paper it once was.
    Probably due more to the economics of survival than anything else. After all, we are a town of under 30,000 souls, and the majority are living pretty basic, low income lives.
    WE will see.

  46. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 2, 2016


    I know people who only skim the story then go straight to the comments.

    I wonder how many people found this site after the Tribune closed it’s comment section.

  47. Kenny (Tahoe Skibum) Curtzwiler says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    I agree with John about xfmr-usmc

  48. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    It has been my experience that a certain number of people never comment…they just like to ‘listen’.

    A certain number of people are just ‘nasty’ and nothing will change that regardless of where you encounter them

    A certain number of people have an ‘agenda’ and infiltrate groups to disseminate ‘other’ propaganda or spy and ‘report’ to the head rat ie civil maffie.

    Such is life…here or where ever and then there are people like me. I live here and I’m not going anywhere so deal with that.

    Have a Happy

  49. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    Yep, It just keeps getting better, you can’t make this stuff up;)

  50. LeanForward says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    I think these changes will be welcome indeed. Putting an identity behind comments holds people accountable for what they say.

    Maybe just email verification would be enough, or a social commenting plug in. Charging for comments is interesting. I’ve not seen that on a news site that I can think of. It will be interesting to see what that does to your average pageviews per user.

  51. K.Clancy says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    It’s comforting to know that some of the most prolific posters, experts on any and all topics, will cough up the $100 and continue on.

  52. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 2, 2016


  53. Steve says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    A better solution would be a simple thumbs-up/thumbs-down voting mechanism with running tabulated results so sane and sensible readers and commentators could simply ignore and disallow the objectionable comments. Hopefully the objectionable authors would then be embarrassed and shamed into posting less offensive material.

  54. billy the mountain says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    The internet is a place where people freely, and *freely, exchange ideas and express opinions. It makes it great, and disgusting, but overall mostly good.
    Bulletin Boards on the early days of the internet did not have paywalls.
    If you think a monetary barrier to entry will solve your problems you are mistaken. A more effective barrier to entry in the comments section would be things like: being educated, or expressing opinions that are from educated/informed/honest points of view. If you can’t read at a 10th grade level, you can’t comment. Well that eliminates 90% of the worthless minds… primarily because most of the general population can’t meet that requirement.
    Now what happens when gossip half truths and misinformation gets printed? The other side has to submit a letter to the editor which the editor can choose to not publish (especially if it makes them look bad), or give the editor $10. So now every agency that is the victim of poor articles has to spend $100/year to defend themselves. And every business that gets throw in to the mix. Or any random citizen that gets named in an article.
    There are a few possible ways this ends: The reputation of this operation drops. The paywall is dropped. An independent content aggregator sets up a site that allows open comments that the editor has zero control over.
    I think you should look at it this way: How else would we know that there are so many imbeciles, bigots, xenophobes, homophobes in this community? This site does a service to those of us who don’t surround themselves to the vermin that are the are your problem here (which you think a paywall will solve). We get to learn about these people without having to risk engaging in a conversation with them.
    Let me guess, you don’t have a privacy policy drafted that will prevent you from keeping the names on the credit cards, and the addresses on file. You can’t guarantee privacy. For that reason alone the paywall is something to be avoided. You have dox’d people.
    If you are really interested in the content in the comments, start with a better WordPress plugin. Login, password, history, reporting, banning.

  55. nature bats last says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    The first time I made a comment on this site it was in opposition to someone elses comment and it was a constructive comment but the person I was commenting to decided to harass and threaten me and thats why I no longer use my real name. I have no interest in the likes of justanass, dogzilla, libdrool, robin smith or any of these commenters knowing who I am. I dont trust them and this town is too small. So, adios LTN, good luck…

  56. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    bats…the pills comment was not good and you’ve never seen a comment from me derisive to any other person name or no name on this comment section.

    You should not be saying things like that about me using my ‘real’ name by the way.,..

  57. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    bats…robin smith is my real name, I have posted my phone number, address and e-mail on this site for all to see.

    You should not use my name with the likes of you nameless ones regardless of your excuse for doing so. Fair warning!

  58. reloman says - Posted: January 2, 2016

    Bats, no where does it state that your name will be published, just that you cant be mean like your above post is. It says if you cant play nice you wont be allowed to play at all.

  59. CT says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    You have always impressed me with your outlook on this site. Intelligent, informed and all with the proper amount of humor thrown in.
    Sad to see this all coming to an end.
    Totally agree with you that anyone who pays to comment on a “comments section” of a blog (disguised as a News agency) is not thinking things through.
    Will paying stop people from saying what they think or will they be paying to be edited or have redactions done? Will having names used stop differences of opinion from getting out of hand or will it make it easier for unstable individuals to actually cause physical harm on others in this all too small community?
    Will employers monitor their employees like they do with social media like Facebook?
    Like you Bats, I say goodbye and good luck.
    I really have “Haddi T Uptahere”

  60. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    Mr. Cefalu and Mr. Curtzwiler:

    My opinions and comments regarding each of you have been based on what I have witnessed when you’ve individually appeared before the SLT City Council and I’ve watched your personal demeanors and listened to the contents of your remarks. I’m certain that you each do think that my comments are inaccurate which is wholly your prerogative, however I’ve formed my opinions by what I’ve observed with my own eyes and what I’ve heard with my own ears.

    I accept your opinions that all posters should be required to use their names and I disagree with that for reasons which I have stated in the past. That is my prerogative.

    For the record, it doesn’t appear that posting under one’s name actually makes a person polite, civilized, and certainly not respectful of other people’s opinions. I have certainly been the recipient of some attacks by certain individuals who use their “real” names when I’d not initiated any dialogue with them. You should take comfort in the fact that you’ve each (along with some of your family members) leveled your fair share of derogatory comments at me.

    Happy New Year.

  61. Noel F says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    On second thought I am willing to pay for your continued contribution to the community by providing some real news. The TDT hasn’t published any real news in years and is constrained by their advertisers. TMN is only once a month.
    However studies of internet information providers show that price resistance is about $1 per month. Expecting people to pay to post is a poor business decision. I have no issue with selling advertising. That is part of the business and always has been. There are several enthusiast sites I support that provide information I would otherwise pay for elsewhere. That adds value.
    Merely getting the local news and then limiting whom can post will reduce your readership significantly. I agree that anonymous posts should not be allowed. If you are afraid to use your real name, keep your opinion to yourself. Obviously we need to be constructive and not obusive.
    If you can get the obnoxious anonymous posters in a public fight, I WILL pay for that.

  62. John N. Cefalu says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    Kae, I am disappointed that you chose to edit a portion of my post which was relevant. If your article regarding the revisions to LTN policy was accurate, those who choose to criticize and berate should identify themselves. Isn’t this the essence of the issue with JoAnn Connor. She has been accused, but the accuser is invisible.

  63. admin says - Posted: January 3, 2016


    You tried to out someone — inaccurately. And whether you were correct or not is not the point. Neither you nor any other commenter gets to out people.

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  64. K.Clancy says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    Riva Grill Scott, aka (SCTahoe) was outed but I guess that’s your prerogative.

  65. nature bats last says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    This rag is done, better things to do with my time. Dont worry robin, I dont practice violence, dont own a gun and have no desire to “out you” as you have already done that yourself. Hahaha, not my problem…

  66. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    bats……”Don’t worry Robin?”

    You’ve got to be kidding! Robin is not a worrier, trust me:)

  67. Blue Jeans says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    I agree with blocking name calling and the like but I wonder if $100 a year might be a problem for people on fixed incomes. Paying to have your voice heard seems awkward to me but maybe its not so unusual. I don’t think it gives equal access/opportunity though.

  68. liberule says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    Gotta get my comments in before this papers death rattle! Pray for snow!

  69. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    I am not going to pay any money to comment.

    I think a lot of folks will feel the same way.

    my Question for you Kae who died at Snowglobe this year?

    white kid overdosed – froze in the meadow.

  70. Toogee Sielsch says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    Kae thank you for the wonderful service you provide not only to our South Lake Tahoe community, but the greater Lake Tahoe Basin and beyond! I Just gladly made my $100 contribution for the 2016 year via your PayPal link.

    And I ask all Lake Tahoe Basin residents to help make our home a safe home for the wildlife that are the true Tahoe locals! Secure your trash from being a Black Bear Buffet!

    Happy New Year from the Sierra Wildlife Coalition and the BEAR League! I look forward to serving both these amazing organizations as not only a spokesperson, but as a board member of each.

  71. admin says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    Chief .. aka Mark Cutright …

    No one died at SnowGlobe, no one froze in a meadow. Thanks for stirring it up again.

    Don’t bother to comment anymore.

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  72. billy the mountain says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    See, there she goes releasing peoples names. For what purpose? I don’t care who they are, they are the chief, they voice there opinions and I know where they stand.
    Do not give them your credit card info. They will pull this kinda of petty BS.

    You want more control over comments? use a more sophisticated plugin.

  73. Whip says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    Rough year, had to cancel the home delivery of the Tribune because it became obsolete, now this.
    I’ve enjoyed the LTN as a local news source but spent much more time reading the comments section.
    It’s a shame that people with a vested interest on something like the loop road for instance will think nothing of paying for their opinion or their shills to post their opinion to sway public opinion as a cost of doing business. While those of us that may have insights, tips, (cool places to hike) or advice, due to a long history in Tahoe may no longer be posting because it just doesn’t seem like a necessary expenditure.
    Thanks for the opportunity Kathryn, ‘it was fun while it lasted.’

  74. liberule says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    Wow you can’t make this stuff up! Small town paper owner loses her marbles and “outs” people while censoring them. Good stuff!

  75. around says - Posted: January 3, 2016

    Well I guess I won’t be commenting anymore as I can’t afford $10/month let alone $100. Which is sad because it was nice sometimes to ask a question or make a general comment (while being respectful). I think having people login with Facebook, like South Tahoe Now does, would help improve comments as I don’t see as much bashing in their comment feeds. Also even if I did have the money I’m not sure I’d pay as I’m not impressed with how the admin has released names since right now real names or emails are not required. Like others have said it’s a small town and giving your opinion (even respectfully) on comment boards can easily be taken the wrong way so some may wish to remain unknown.

  76. J&B says - Posted: January 4, 2016

    Appreciate the efforts to improve the dialogue in comments. Also, it doesn’t appear that names will be required to post, but instead that Kae will be confirming the email addresses are real – true? (Although people now being ‘outed’ in these comments is concerning). As for the discussion of people using their real names, if people have been reading local news, it should be obvious that there are a lot of people who can’t speak freely for fear of losing their jobs. That’s part of the culture that allows the locals to continue to get run over by those with more $s. It would be unfortunate for people in such positions to lose an outlet to speak anonymously. The paying to comment change may open the door for more comments to come from ‘one side’ (the side with more money). But, guess we’ll see how it goes.

  77. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 4, 2016


    The powers that be are dancing in the streets over this change. No more peons criticising them.

  78. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 4, 2016

    J&B The PEONS are p****d and are not going anywhere.

    It’s now a matter of children and grandchildren and their grandparents—(80,000,000 of them)…better known as the ‘babyboomers’…remember them?

    That bunch from the 60’s?…they’re back and badder than ever…slower for sure but definitely p****’ed.

  79. Researcher says - Posted: January 4, 2016

    For everyone who believes their opinions won’t be heard, write a letter. Those are free.

  80. Kits Carson says - Posted: January 4, 2016

    Wow Kay,
    You just revealed the full name of an anonymous poster AND his place of employment. YOU have crossed the line. That is not at all appropriate. Sounds like you have just created a Civil Liability for yourself and the LTN.

  81. County Gal says - Posted: January 4, 2016

    Ok Kids enough is enough. No I don’t like the idea of paying to comment, and no I will not participate in pay to play. I have noticed that LTN does not “out” a person to create a lynch mob mentality. Be smart and read posts. LTN to my education level is trying their very best to make this blog informative about the going’s on in the Tahoe area.
    Come on, the Trib went to Hell in a hand cart because we have no “news” here in Tahoe. Damn aren’t we lucky. LTN at least searches the other sources to bring us “news we can use”.
    Bottom line: Help keep this blog alive and well by advertising or by becoming a subscriber and the we might be able to keep our comments open and “free”

    P.S. Robin You’re different.

  82. SCTahoe says - Posted: January 4, 2016

    Hi Kae-

    Like others, I have reasons for making an effort to remain anonymous while engaging in feisty conversations on your rag. As a restaurant operator I have always felt it wise to keep as much religion and politics away from the dinner table and provide guests with the opportunity to get away from the real world if they choose. Chatting on this sight was fun for me from time to time but always hard to take any of it seriously.

    I’m not sure what cord I struck with you that made you choose to reveal my identity to the public but it is really no matter to me at this point. I’m a pretty “what you see is what you get’ type of dude. However I do find your actions a breach of trust on your end and almost spiteful and revengeful.

    At the end of day I will gladly stand by my previous comments. If you want to make a buck…good for you, but it won’t be a buck from me. If you want to claim that you do not impose any form of censorship…feel free to keep referencing that dictionary of yours. No need to ever darken my doorstep again.

    Go pound sand,

    Scott Craig

  83. southie says - Posted: January 4, 2016

    I don’t understand how anyone in town would now trust you to keep source confidentiality for a story. Quite stunned by your actions, no matter what I think of the players you’ve outed.

  84. liberule says - Posted: January 4, 2016

    This rag has officially “jumped the shark”.

  85. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 4, 2016

    CountyGirl..Robin you’re different…TY:)

  86. Michael Lee says - Posted: January 5, 2016

    Kae, i appreciate your actions on your blog. I did not feel as though i had to pay you comment. But i will advertise this year because i like your news source for local issues.
    I for one do not claim to be an expert on all issues and i learn from our neighbors comments. Heck, i am lucky to have spell check to put my opinions down.
    One thing for me is i am over the top mad at our political quagmire our nation is suffering from. I personally have lost some civility in dealing with individuals who hide behind monikers and just stir poop around. No more being PC in it’s entirety for me but i will try to use a little more class than a few others here.
    , signed Michael Lee of acorn lawn maintenance.

  87. Benjamin Pignatelli says - Posted: January 6, 2016

    Right on, Kae.
    Thank you.

  88. J says - Posted: January 15, 2016

    Oh dear

  89. Al Terego says - Posted: January 15, 2016

    I’m on a fixed income. $10 dollars for a month or $100 for the year is too much for me!

  90. rock4tahoe says - Posted: January 15, 2016

    Humm, weeding out comments is ok but needing money to post ideas, comments on a blog? Money equals voice indeed.

  91. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: January 15, 2016

    Well goodbye LTN. I enjoyed commenting and reading comments, the lively and sometimes contentious banter, but certainly not going to pay to play. This wil kill the otherwise best part of this publication, cause it certainly was not the journalism. Outie 5000!

  92. Michael Lee says - Posted: January 16, 2016

    We do not have to pay to comment, i do not know why you guys are “outie 500”.
    You just have to play nice, is that too much to ask? Nothing changed except the tolerance of the administrator and a lot of us other locals.
    Goodbye to all the contentious old peeps that loved to hide behind a phony name while you trolled people just to get a rise.
    Hello 2016 and a better local news blog.

  93. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 16, 2016


    Apparently your panties are still in a bunch.

  94. rock4tahoe says - Posted: January 16, 2016

    Mike, just to review.

    From this article, “The biggest change is it is now going to cost people to comment. For $100 a year people may make as many comments as they like. Or you may choose to pay $10 for unlimited comments for that one month.”

    Care to revise your “comment?”

  95. K.Clancy says - Posted: January 16, 2016

    I’m sure for some people that are starved for attention the $100 for “unlimited online blabber” is a bargain.

  96. Robin Smith says - Posted: January 16, 2016

    K Clancy….33 cents a day just to tick you off.

    What a bargain!

  97. K.Clancy says - Posted: January 16, 2016

    LTN can rename its comment section to “Welcome to Babylon”.

  98. billy the mountain says - Posted: January 16, 2016

    Netflix is $7.99/month.
    Amazon Prime is $99.

    You really have to wonder about the mentality of someone who will pay more than those two great services for what happens here.
    I imagine there will be a big crossover market between ltn customers and “smart water” buyers.
    Welcome to Costco, I love you.

  99. Michael Lee says - Posted: January 16, 2016

    I stand corrected.
    Robin, play nice now.

  100. Liberule says - Posted: January 25, 2016

    I’ll be paying to comment. Who do I send my cash to?

  101. admin says - Posted: January 25, 2016

    Lake Tahoe News
    PO Box 13406
    South Lake Tahoe, CA 96151

    Thank you.