New Year’s arrests decline in S. Lake Tahoe
South Lake Tahoe Police Department is reporting fewer arrests this New Year’s period compared to a year ago. No arrests were made in the state line area.
From 12:01am Dec. 31 to noon Jan. 1, officers made nine arrests throughout the city. There were 17 arrests during this same time period last year. Consistent with prior years, the majority of these were for either drunk and disorderly conduct in public or driving under the influence. Some arrests also involved incidents of domestic violence and drug possession.
The totals for all three nights of SnowGlobe:
5 for intoxication
1 for illegal weapon (stun gun)
1 for minor in possession
1 for trespass.
104—minor in possession of alcohol
21—ppen container
15—false IDs
4—furnishing alcohol to a minor
3—possession of narcotics
2—minor purchasing alcoholic beverage
1—possession of marijuana
1—parking violation.
There were 19 medical transports from SnowGlobe.

South Lake Tahoe Police Department arrests for any type of criminal offense from New Year’s Eve through New Year’s Day. Source: SLTPD
Parker. Here, the SLTPD is keeping track of the New Year Eve arrests and at least the trend is down over the 10 year period.
Well if you take the four years prior to Snow Globe, arrests averaged 15.25/NYE. Since Snow Globe, they’ve averaged 12.6/NYE.
So you are correct in that they are down since Snow Globe started. But they are down by less than an average of 3/NYE.
Again I took the 4 years before Snow Globe. If one includes the 2 additional previous years, the difference is greater. But that also illustrates the arrest trend line was already heading down.
Anyway, corrrect they are down. But by less than 3/NYE. To me, that’s not a significant difference. And could be attributed to multiple factors.
Parker…15.25/NYE arrests…R U talking people?
12.6 people?
Mark Twain and Herman Cain
Read the above chart Robin.
Parker…TY…I took statistics I’m sticking with Mark and Herman:)
Parker. Yes, the sample is small with 10 years but I have a feeling you would be saying a different story had the trend been up by 3 instead of down.
Anyway. Try a search for …
“arrests south lake tahoe new years eve 2008”
There is a you tube video of “guests” climbing the street light at Stateline that may be interesting.
Also, the same search indicates about 40 arrests made on that night plus an article from a different news source that covers a Police Advisory about the arrests at Stateline.
In my opinion, it is just better to have an activity for “guests” to focus on rather then throwing snow balls (and worse) at each other. Example. Time Square in New York. Rarely is it mentioned the number of arrests or riots at Time Square because the focus is on the Ball Drop at midnight, music, etc.
There are probably a number of factors in high arrest and low arrest years. But, I believe Snow Globe gives “guests” a focus point along with music and fun. Now, can it be improved? Most likely. But, I would NOT want to go back to the “good old days” of the past and more police and more arrests.
Bottom line, I believe Snow Globe is a net positive now and with improvements, it can continue to be so.
Good for your opinion. Honestly! And I was going to let you have the last word. Except I need to reiterate something I stated previously.
I don’t need to YouTube anything! I base my view that the Stateline crowd is the same from both before & after Snow Globe came to town from my own eye test. I’ve been down at Stateline for many consecutive NYE’s to witness it first hand!