Sierra Tract to be called Tahoe Sierra in SLT
Because of the research by South Shore resident Judi Allen the subdivision referred to as Sierra Tract in South Lake Tahoe will be changed back to its original name — Tahoe Sierra.
Sierra Tract started to be used when a plan area statement for the neighborhood was adopted.
City officials have indicated they will use the Tahoe Sierra name going forward where practical to do so, and will use that name for future plan area statements and area plans. Expect to see references to Tahoe Sierra on City Council documents as well.
I am not exactly sure what the outcome is or will be, but the historic name should not have been changed w/o some sort of official notice as it was.
When did this happen?
No matter the details, if this is a continuation of the “Tahoe South” attempt to gentrify the area to something else by giving it another name, good luck.
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck…. you know the rest.
Crank…agreed 100%
Not fond of “Tahoe South” either CG, I’ve never heard anyone from off the hill say they’re going to Tahoe South for the weekend. They go to Tahoe, and they stay and play in South lake Tahoe for the most part.
Never have liked the name “Sierra Tract”, sounds like forest service cabins. Considering its size, central location, and it’s located between two beautiful meadows, I always thought they should change it, never had a clue it was once “Tahoe Sierra”, which is better but sounds like a ski resort. If they’re going to change it how about reflect the location. Tahoe Meadows?, Sierra Meadows? Hopefully they will at least lose the “tract” in the name.
Cranky, Robin & Whip – It’s NOT Tahoe South…… The name of the neighborhood is Tahoe-Sierra, and it is the original name of the subdivision. Has NOTHING to do with Tahoe South (which I also don’t like – sounds like someone can’t speak te King’s English). Please don’t confuse the two.
Irish, All three of us understand that, maybe you should try reading our posts again.
“…if this is a continuation of the ‘Tahoe South’ attempt to gentrify the something else by giving it another nameI….” t was not an attempt by the Tahoe-South group – it was a neighborhood effort to recover the original name – not create a new one. Had nothing to do with Tahoe South.
Damn, I was hoping it was tahoe-south ! I’ve been looking all over for tahoe-south and can’t find it. I’ve never heard anyone call a place tahoe-south. Does anyone know where it is ?
“Tahoe South” is a figment of someone’s lack of imagination. Really annoying – sounds like poor English.