Suspects give up after nearly freezing to death

El Dorado County sheriff’s search and rescue team members help save the lives of two suspects on Jan. 23. Photo/Provided
Two Northern California men were apprehended Saturday morning after leading officers on a chase that nearly resulted in them freezing to death in a remote area of El Dorado County.
Tristen Crossland, 30, a parolee from Eureka, and Derek Dion, 32, a probationer from Hayfork who had four warrants for his arrest, were taken to a hospital for treatment before being turned over to state officials.
The pursuit started Jan. 22 when the two fled on foot after being stopped by a California Department of Fish and Wildlife officer near Wrights Lake Road and Highway 50. El Dorado County sheriff’s deputies and U.S. Forest Service officers joined the search for the men.
A firearm was allegedly dropped by one of the men and recovered by officers. Officers said they found illegal drugs in the suspects’ vehicle.
The two men ran into the snowy canyon and crossed the river. A few hours later officers saw them cross the river again. An officer yelled, saying they were in danger of freezing and to give up, but the two ignored that advice.
Deputies said at 8:40 Friday night Crossland called 911 and reported he and Dion were somewhere across the river and were freezing to death and in fear of dying.
Search and rescue then got involved. The duo was found at 9:17am Jan. 23 suffering from severe hypothermia and probable frostbite.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report
Don’t they teach you anything in prison ?
Should have let the worms freeze.
Sorry we weren’t able to locate you. You are now a criminal Popsicle. And no one cares.
My wife was stuck coming back to our home in Meyers from Placertucky. 4 hours of stop and go due to this valley trash.
Bears would have enjoyed these two and helped the recycle process. Now they will cost a few more tens of thousands and be released again to do it again.
Hope they escape this summer and hide in a forest fire.
Classy responses from the yokels as usual.
Proud yokel here billy bob. Maybe you can post bail for these degenerates. But lets be classy tahoe. These criminals deserve our respect hih billy boy? You sir, are a power tool.
The people that immediately demonize and ‘death penalty’ these pathetic criminals are the same dolts that ignore the massive war crimes of the the bush administration-100’s of 1000’s of innocent victims, 1000’s of our finest military personnel never coming home to their families, a trillion dollars of taxpayer money wasted for political gain that eventually trashed the economy to benefit the 1%-let’s face up to reality-there’s a big wide world outside of your foxnooz/hate radio dullard bubble
As you ignore the war crimes (droning children, bombing hospitals ) of the current administration. Not to mention the abuses against the citizenry, but we don’t have all day.
Typical straw-dog. You don’t know if anyone is ignoring anything. Please point us to a the people who are talking about specifically dismissing the atrocities such as the ones you mention.
You make up imaginary people in your head to argue with. Why?
Oh, are you a figment of my imagination, prunes/billy/fish?
The Bush Administration ended 7 years ago. There’s nothing we can do about that fiasco now, but you keep bringing it up as if it is a current problem.
You do not address what the obama Administration is doing right now, which COULD be forced to make changes. Nope. As long as it’s YOUR side murdering innocents, it’s crickets.
I agree with Tea Total except for the fact that he has underestimated the money spent on the so-called wars aka keep the oil contracts, facilities and pipelines up and running activity. Not to mention the many billions of dollars the arms manufacturers are making on eternal wars.
So why hasn’t Obama brought all the troops home and stopped the bombing?
I’d love a real answer.
Looks like some of the LTN blog trolls have forgotten to take their meds and are headed down the ravine to the river.
I had tacos for lunch–a little off topic like the last 7 comments–but they were delicious!!!
Good to read that at the end of this month LTN is reforming the policies on this blog in no longer allowing personal attacks. Hopefully added will be a policy that any posts will have to be at least vaguely relevant to the topic at hand?!
So tahoser, please tell us more about those tacos!! (Yes, it is about as relevant.)
Teatotal, BM, BJ, and Dogula – they have medication for ADHD and other places than here for political babble. Geez.