Then and now: Twin Bridges once a popular stop

Twin Bridges in the 1950s. Photo/Del Laine Collection, Lake Tahoe Historical Society
Twin Bridges on Highway 50 was a rest spot for many years, complete with a cocktail lounge. It was also on the annual wagon train route.

Twin Bridges in 2014. Photo/Google Earth
Wintertime travel could require chains on vehicles driving Highway 50, and Twin Bridges often was specified as a chains enforcement boundary, making it a popular stop for removing or installing chains. Unlike Nevada which allowed chains or snow tires for winter driving, California at the time mandated chains only, no snow tires. As of May 1, 1990, the California Vehicle Code 27460 then included “…or snow tires.”
Perhaps related to the eased requirements, the historic commercial rest stop no longer exists at this site.
— Bill Kingman
The woman whose parents owned that place still lives in town. She lived there her entire childhood. Bet she could tell you some stories.
A place to stop, chain-up and have a few cocktails to warm the body before heading up the winding, snowy, icy roads. That was the 1950s.
As children we used to so look forward to the “Twin Bridges” rest stop. My parents stopped for a ‘rest’ in both directions:)
Just up the road from Fred’s Place. My parents would always stop at one of them.
I used to stop in the 90s when it was a store.
Sunrises, yes, validate local status, where’s Fred’s place and the kyburz dump. Pam grew up in twin bridges, why didn’t they interview you? Off track here, is there anyway to keep the tourists on highway 50 only, with their gps gizmos there are wrecks on all the shortcuts, not that I drive on Sunday’s anymore. Great article. Lived on mt. Ralston road way back when. PS snobby people moving into Meyers now, move back to the keys, this is the county, we work together not against!
No right hand turn from NUT to 50 on Sundays. Post it every two blocks on NUT. Put up a couple cones and write a couple of tickets.
Good night and God bless!
Re: The new comment policy (that the editor has conveniently disabled comments for, which is why this is out of context here)
A few direct questions to the editor:
1) If the name of a person or business is mentioned in an article or in the comments, does that person or business have to pay you $10 to defend themselves?
2) If so and they are unwilling to pay you, what will you offer them to defend themselves?
Everyone pays.
Letters to the editor are always an option. These require full names and may be submitted to
LTN staff
And you publish all letters to the editor, or just some?
Exactly. If someone’s name is dragged through the mud anywhere on here they have to pay the editor or hope that the editor publishes their letter when they get around to it.
Yelp allows direct replies to unfavorable reviews. No cost.
Great business model. It is now open season on every person, business and agency in the region unless they pay.
Your policy goes against everything the rest of the internet is doing. I bet a group on open forms of social media will form and effectively lay waste to this hen house.
I’m looking forward to February 1st.
4-mer, On this we are in complete agreement. I would also like to thank most posters here for engaging in somewhat intelligent comments and for the most part sticking with the issues at hand. It has been fun but I don’t think I will miss it all that much. Also thanks to Kae for finally putting a stop to it.
You are a troll. Go start your own forum.
Many of us are now counting the minutes to Feb. 1.
LTN on the Voices section has proved it publishes differing opinions. No one could agree with all of them, further proving there is not an agenda. The fact that your comments see the light of day shows the willingness for contrarian discourse.
Get a life dude.
Freedom of the Press means we are free to print and hand out flyers about issues & causes we believe in. And/or it means we are free to start our own publications, websites and blogs.
It does not mean that any & all websites, and the like, are required to allow anyone who wishes, free and unlimited commentary on them!
LTN when it launched, made a business decision to allow free commentary. As a private business, years later, it has now decided to embark on a different business model.
The change to eliminate personal attacks will undoubtedly be an improvement. The change to now charge for commentary? We’ll see? But that’s LTN’s choice to make!
LOVE the Tahoe history. Thanks!!