Caltrans on track to build roundabout in Meyers

Caltrans is contemplating a roundabout in Meyers. Map/Caltrans
By Lake Tahoe News
Caltrans is moving forward with making improvements at the intersection of highways 50 and 89 in Meyers.
“A roundabout isn’t the only option being looked it. A signal and design changes to the intersection are also being considered,” Steve Nelson, spokesman for Caltrans, told Lake Tahoe News. “That being said, it is fair to say that the project development team believes a roundabout is the best option to meet the purpose and need of the project, which is safety improvement to reduce collisions and reduce the severity of collisions.”
The project is in the environmental review phase. That should be finished in November.
Caltrans has been working with the Meyers Community Council, El Dorado County, Tahoe Transportation District and Tahoe Regional Planning Agency.
It is projected to cost $3.15 million. The money is in hand from the federal government.
The timeline includes having the right-of-way acquisition and design completed in January 2018, construction beginning in September 2018 and completion in March 2020.
For now, that is the only improvement to the state highway in Meyers.
“There has been interest expressed for a roundabout at 50 and Pioneer Trail, but Caltrans doesn’t have any other projects currently programmed in Meyers,” Nelson said.