Then and now: 50 years of a Hwy. 50 block

Highway 50 at Stockton Avenue in South Lake Tahoe in the 1960s. Photo/South Lake Tahoe
The above photo is looking toward the intersection at Lodi Avenue.
Visible left to right:
Purple Sage Motel
Carson Tahoe Rents
Douglas gas station
76 (ball atop pole) gas station
Standard gas station and neighboring Lowe-Trumbull real estate office

Highway 50 at Stockton Avenue in South Lake Tahoe in 2016. Photo/Bill Kingman
Visible left to right:
Purple Sage Motel now is Pine Cone Plaza
Carson Tahoe Rents now is Old Republic Title
Douglas gas station now is US Gasoline Liquor
76 (ball atop pole) gas station now is the Magic Carpet Golf parking lot corner of Lodi
Standard gas station and neighboring Lowe-Trumbull real estate office now is the Star Tahoe office building corner of Lodi.
— Bill Kingman