Snippets about Lake Tahoe

 Smokey Bear and U.S. Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit Fire Prevention staff, Bill Sanders and Jacob Ruano, visited a Head Start class in South Lake Tahoe last week to teach the pre-kindergarten students about fire safety and fire prevention.  Photo credit:  Katie Oliver, Head Start.

Smokey Bear and U.S. Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit Fire Prevention staff, Bill Sanders and Jacob Ruano, visited a Head Start class in South Lake Tahoe  to teach the pre-kindergarten students about fire safety and fire prevention. Photo/Katie Oliver

·       Lake Valley Fire Protection District received the Automotive Service Excellence Blue Seal of Excellence Certification for its maintenance shop.

·      How Supplements Can Complement Traditional Medicine is the topic of an April 6 lecture that will be presented by Amy Smith of Barton Family Practice. The free lecture is from 6-7pm in the Aspen Room at Lake Tahoe Community College.

·       There will be a South Lake Tahoe design guidelines workshop March 9 from 5-7pm at Lake Tahoe Airport.

·       Truckee Department of Public Works recently launched YourGOV. For more info, go online.