Opinion: Crusade for Calif. auto insurance reform

By Joe Rodriguez, Mercury News

Dan Karr’s new year began with sorrow, but the veteran Silicon Valley hand’s new mission in life as an auto-insurance reformer is moving along nicely — for a 21st-century Don Quixote.

“Tilting at windmills, hah!” he said over breakfast in downtown San Jose recently to talk about his new company, ValChoice.com. “It’s probably a good analogy for what I’m trying to do.”

Put simply: Karr wants consumers to know how well or badly the auto insurance company they sign up with will treat them, especially after accidents, and he’s trying to make a buck at it. After all, Karr is a software engineer and former high-tech executive in Silicon Valley, one of the few places where socially minded businesses don’t get laughed out of the board room.

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